Commissioner visits rehabilitation centre in Loughborough


The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire, Sir Clive Loader, visited Loughborough today (19 March) to visit the Carpenter’s Arms, a residential rehabilitation centre for men challenged by drug and alcohol addiction.


Sir Clive was invited to visit the centre to see the work being done to help residents to turn their lives around, escape homelessness and addiction, and move smoothly back into the community.


He met with staff who explained how the programme works and how it helps the men beat their addiction, which also brings wider benefits to the community by reducing reoffending. The residents told Sir Clive their stories, from how they came to be at the Carpenter’s, to the ways in which the programme was changing their lives for the better. 


As part of his visit, Sir Clive also saw the Joseph’s Storehouse project in action, which gives out food parcels to those who are on benefits. The project receives donations from local people and businesses and is staffed by volunteers. 


Sir Clive said:


“It was marvellous to come here and meet the people who work in and live at the Carpenter’s Arms. This is a real example of how, with the right intervention, you can turn lives around and give a different vision of the future to those who are struggling with addiction. 


“Many crimes can be linked back to the problems that people have in their personal lives, particularly with regard to drugs and alcohol. I am keen to play my part in this sort of intervention, which is very important in reducing reoffending. A few pounds spent on preventative projects like this can save many more that would be spent on dealing with the effects of crime further down the line.”



Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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