Lord Willy Bach with Independent Custody Visitor Justin Hammond visiting Euston Street Custody Suite
Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy today paid tribute to the county’s army of policing volunteers as he made a surprise visit with Independent Custody Visitor Justin Hammond to Euston Street Police Station’s Custody Suite.
Speaking as the country marks National Volunteers Week – an annual campaign from June 1 to 7 which recognises the work of the UK’s millions of volunteers – he said the commitment and dedication of volunteers was inspiring.
“Volunteers bring so many benefits to policing in so many different ways,” he said. “From Special Constables, to Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs), from the young people on my Youth Commission or serving as Police Cadets to the many volunteer support staff who share their skills, they all give their time to make us safer and boost the resilience of the service provided to the public.
“This week gives us a chance to thank them for their commitment.”
The Independent Custody Visitors Scheme is led by the Police and Crime Commissioner and currently has 29 members. The Visitors, who are all independent volunteers, make unannounced visits to police stations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to check on the treatment of detainees, the conditions in which they are held and that their rights and entitlements are being observed.
“There is no better scrutiny system than one where members of the public themselves are tasked with the appraisal,” said Willy Bach. “Our ICVs provide an impartial and independent check to reassure us all that those detained in custody are looked after properly, in decent conditions and in accordance with all their legal rights and entitlements.
"Most of the feedback we receive following visits is very positive and where any small issues are identified by our detainees, these are dealt with and resolved very swiftly.”
“But these visits also offer a protection mechanism for both the prisoner and the custody officers,” he added. “If a complaint has been made we can help discover if it is genuine or not, saving time and stress for all concerned.”
Anyone interested in becoming an Independent Custody Visitor, or becoming a police volunteer, should visit the Commissioner’s website www. leics.pcc.police.uk/Take-Part
Sallie Blair 01283 821012
Posted on Wednesday 7th June 2017