
View the Commissioner's latest decisions

This page is where you can view the latest decisions made by Leicestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner.  The table below will be updated on a regular basis as decisions are made.

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2024 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

People Zones Grants Fund – Round 2

This decision relates to the second round of funding of the 2024/2025 financial year, ring-fenced for People Zones.

This funding round opened on 30/09/2024 and closed on 28/10/2024.  12 applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell, as well as Community Development Lead Jessica Ball individually marked each application during the period 29/10/2024 - 15/11/2024, and then moderated their scores on 21/11/2024.

Two applications scored 70% or above, five applications scored 60% or above, four applications scored 40% or above and one application scored below 40%.

For this round, it was decided that applications scoring 65% and above would be awarded funding, providing all criteria is met. In this round, that resulted in six bids being recommended.

Upon review, the Senior Management Team approved to fund the recommended six bids. This equates to a funding commitment of £39,305.40.

Supporting Document

Call Management Department (CMD) Refurbishment

A decision is necessary for additional £98,000 (approx) funds to facilitate the safe removal of asbestos flooring and contaminated infrastructure.

The initial CMD asbestos site surveys did not detect asbestos, during the floor being removed asbestos was identified. The organisation must now legally remove safely the asbestos discovered and protect its employees in doing so.

Early estimates are approx. £98,000 to move asbestos and supply fit new infrastructure and flooring across the whole CMD floor.

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FHQ Memorial Garden Project

To accept a notional gift from the Mattioli Charitable Trust who will directly fund the memorial garden project.

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Commissioner's Safety Fund - Round 1 2024/2025

Round 1 opened for applications on 8th August 2024 and closed on 5th September 2024. 88 applications were submitted during this time, with one application later being withdrawn, therefore leading to a total of 87 applications.

The applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and moderated by a panel 16/09/2024 – 18/09/2024. Of the 87, 21 applications scored 71% or above, 11 scored between 65% - 70% and 55 scored less than 64%.

Due to the exceptional volume of applications and the quality of bids received, the decision was made to approve the recommendation on 25/09/2024 to award funding to those applications scoring 71% or higher.  The decision was made that the PCC fund 21 projects. This equates to a funding commitment of £206,006.89.

Supporting Document

Hardware Maintenance Contract

The current hardware maintenance contract (CON895) expires 30th September and a further competition was published using the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) RM6100 Technology Services 3 framework. We received three tenders and have awarded the contract to CDW as the most economically advantageous tender. The award has been approved by Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources) and we are asking the Police Commissioner to sign the contract & to add his seal.

Supporting Document

MUGA Courts

The Community Development Reserve is a reserve that was set up in 2021-22 to fund several initiatives, one of those initiatives was the MUGA courts. The previous PCC/Deputy PCC were working with Leicester City Council (LCC), Leicester City in the Community (LCiC), the Football Foundation and the CRUYFF Foundation to develop Multi Use Game Area (MUGA) courts as set out in the PCC Legacy Programme (decision record EXE0005-21 dated 21/03/2021), a joint endeavour provided by LCC as both a contribution to capital costs and to support the provision of sports led activities at the MUGA courts for a total (including a contribution from LCIC) of £158k.

A total expenditure of £72,027 was spent on the development of the MUGA court, leaving a balance of £85,973 for the sports led provision; however due to Covid19 restrictions the project was not moved along at the time.

It is requested that £85,973 (the MUGA courts balance) is transferred back into the Commissioning reserves.

Supporting Document

EMSOU Control Rooms Upgrade Contract

East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU) Technical Services requires an upgrade of the EMSOU control rooms, with support & maintenance. There was a maintenance contract of the current control rooms equipment, however this expired 31st January 2023.

It was agreed to procure a new system through an open tender, advertised on Contracts Finder and Find a Tender service. This followed a Prior Information Notice and a Supplier Engagement event. The competitive with negotiation procedure was used and a shortlist of six companies tendered for the opportunity.

Procurement are recommending that we award the contract to Bedroq Limited for a price of £311,753.57. This has been approved by the Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources) and we are asking the Police Commissioner to sign the contract & to add his seal.

Supporting Document

Crime Scene Consumables Contract

The current Crime Scenes Consumables contract (CON986) with WA Products t/a Scenesafe, expires 30th September. Bluelight Commercial (BLC) have a new Crime Scenes Consumables framework we can use. The framework is from 1st October 2024 to 30th September 2028, is made up of ten lots and all the lots have been awarded to WA Products (UK) Limited t/a SceneSafe.

Procurement are recommending that we award the Crime Scenes Consumables opportunity to WA Products (UK) Limited t/a SceneSafe, for an estimated value of £640,000 over the four years. This has been approved by Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources) and we are asking the Police Commissioner to sign the contract and add his seal.

Supporting Document

Vehicle Hire Contract

The current vehicle hire contract with Enterprise expires 31st March 2024, with an annual value of £100,000. It was agreed to publish a further competition using the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) RM6265 Vehicle Hire Solutions framework, Lot 1: Hire of Vehicles up to 3.5T.

Procurement received three tenders. However, only one compliant tender, from Scot Group t/a Thrifty.

Procurement, with the approval of Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources), are asking the Police Commissioner to sign the contract and add his seal.

Supporting Document

People Zones Grants Fund – Round 1 – 2024/2025

This decision relates to the 1st round of funding of the 2024-2025 financial year, ring fenced for People Zones.  This funding round opened on 05/07/2024 and closed on 02/08/2024. 

Nine applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell, as well as Community Development Lead Jessica Ball individually marked each application during the period 05/08/2024 - 08/08/2024, and then moderated their scores on 09/08/2024.  For this round, it was decided that applications scoring 60% and above would be awarded funding, providing all criteria is met.

In total, two applications scored 70% or above, three applications scored 60% or above and four applications scored 50% or below. Therefore, five applications were approved by moderators.

Upon review, the Senior Management Team approved to fund the recommended five bids. This equates to a funding commitment of £36,046.41.

Supporting Document

ICCS Upgrade and Support Contract

IT require the upgrade and support for the current DS3000 Integrated Communication Control System (ICCS). This considered better value and within budget costs to Leicestershire Police.

It was agreed to procure by direct award using the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) RM6259 Vertical Applications Solution framework.

This produced one compliant offer from SSS Public Safety (SSSPS). Procurement is requesting that the Police Commissioner signs the contract and adds his seal.

Supporting Document

People Zones 2024/2025 Budget

For the financial year 2024/2025, a budget of £148,000,00 has been approved by the Senior Management Team in the OPCC and is ringfenced as detailed in the Decision Record.

Supporting Document

Radios and Accessories

That the Police and Crime Commissioner signs and adds their seal to the Police Digital Service call off order form for the purchase of 100 x radios and accessories with Sepura, with the option to buy a further 200 x radios and accessories, for the overall value of £360,702.00. The contract will be in place until 31st December 2024.

Supporting Document

Community Safety Partnership 2023-24 Underspend

At the end of the 2023-24 financial year, approximately £140,705.06 was saved from the 2023-24 Community Safety Partnership LLR wide budget due to the implementation of an improved monitoring framework with CSPs.

This decision record is to explore how this money is to be used in the following 2024-25 financial year.

Supporting Document

Beat Office - Uppingham

We currently have a beat office at the Uppingham Town Council offices for which we pay no rent or other costs but which we funded the construction of in 2011. The Council has now offered us a replacement office within their building but require an annual rental of £1,750.

The proposed replacement office is larger than the current office, is better located within the building and would give a better presence to members of the public.

Supporting Document

Water Supply

Axiom Consultants have recommended that we change our water supplier to Anglian Water Business (National) Limited Trading as Wave. This will save £6,145 saving against current contract, while billing is better than the incumbent supplier.

Supporting Document

Empowering Voices Making Choices Co-design grants 2024 – Round 1 Successful Bids

A phase of co-production activity with children and young people from Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland to improve understanding of VAWG and in particular dating and relationship violence from their perspective and experiences. This will help to ensure that the interventions listed below – such as the resources and the content/ delivery method of the programme and campaigns – are designed with and for children and young people.

Round 1 opened for applications on the 8th April 2024 and closed on 21st April. 17 applications were submitted during this time.

Sharan Dhillon – Violence Against Women and Girls Programme Lead, Jess Ball – Community Development Lead, Heather Pearce – Commissioning and Contracts Officer all individually evaluated the applications from the 20th – 22nd April 2024. Moderation took place on the 23rd April 2024.
6 applications were approved by moderators.

Upon review, the PCC approved to fund 6 bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £7998.

Supporting Document

Safer Streets 5 VAWG Interventions

In August 2023, the OPCC was given the opportunity to bid for funding from the Home Office as part of Safer Streets Round 5. There were 3 themes outlined that the home office wanted to see tackled for relevant areas which were VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls), Neighbourhood crime and ASB (Antisocial Behaviour). There was a strict time limit with less than 4 weeks to put together a comprehensive bid to apply for the funding. The amount available was just under £1 million initially across the three bids (so approximately up to £330,000.00 for each bid. There was a 50% match funding element also required meaning for whatever what bid for, we had to find approximately 50% in match funding from within our own expenditure for the themes being applied for.

Supporting Document

HQ Ground Solar Panels Recommendation

Leicestershire Police require the installation of ground solar panels at Headquarters. It was agreed to publish a further competition using SPO Renewables framework, Lot 1 Supply, Installation and maintenance of Solar PV systems and associated products.
The contract has been awarded to SDE Energy Solutions Ltd for a price of £325,537.33. Due to the value the contract requires the Police Commissioner to sign and add his seal.

Supporting Document

Tasers - Conducted Energy Devices (CED) Contract

The current Taser contract (CON918) expired 12th March 2022 and Bluelight Commercial have awarded a new Taser framework with Axon Public Safety UK Limited, as the sole supplier.
Leicestershire Police has been reviewing the future planning of Conducted Energy Devices (CED) for front line officers and COT have approved the purchase of 100 X2s on a payment plan, plus live and test cartridges.
Axon require a five year contract to be signed and the contract value is £1,504,146. The contract will need to be signed and sealed by the Police Commissioner.

Supporting Document

Appropriate Adults Contract

The current Appropriate Adults regional framework (covering Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire) framework and Leicestershire contract (CON886), with The Appropriate Adult Service (TAAS) expires 31st March. Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Police Forces decided to publish an open tender, advertised on Find A Tender and Contracts Finder. Nottinghamshire Police decided not to.
The tender has been awarded to TAAS for a four year framework with an option to have five year contracts. This has been approved by Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources) and Procurement are requesting that the Police & Crime Commissioner signs and seals the framework and call off contract.

Supporting Document

New Agreement – Catch 22 (Victim First)

The contract for the Victim First Project which gives assistance to victims of crime has recently been re-tendered with the successful contractor being Catch 22, who are also the current contractors. As such it will be necessary to renew the internal lease agreement in respect of their occupation of room G-152, Admin 1 Block at Force HQ. Accordingly, terms have been provisionally agreed whereby it is proposed that Catch 22 enter into a three year lease commencing on the 1st April 2024 at an annual rent of £9,000 with an option for a further two years running consecutively, at the same rent, which would take their occupation up to the 31st March 2029. It has further been provisionally agreed that Victim First will move to an alternative police location, should a restructuring of the project be required by the PCC. The other terms of the agreement remain the same as in the current agreement.
Recommendations presented


Supporting Document

Non Police Vehicle Disposal Contract

The current framework for non-Police vehicle disposal, with [Supplier Name withheld], expires 31st March 2024 and this covers Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Derbyshire Police Forces.
An open tender, advertised on Find a Tender Service (FTS) and Contracts Finder was published. The framework has been awarded to [Supplier Name withheld] due to the estimated annual income of £616,860.00 for Leicestershire Police, with other Forces expected income is expected to be equivalent depending on their size and vehicles included. After deducting vehicle recovery and other costs, the approximately net income to all the Forces is 360,000 a year.
The framework. will need to be signed and sealed by Leicestershire Police & Crime Commissioner (as the Force leading the procurement), who will also sign the Leicestershire Police call off contract

Supporting Document

Azure Cloud Contract

The current Azure Cloud contract (CONT0008) expired 26th November 2023 and we have procured a new Azure Cloud contract (CONT0303) with Insight Direct. The contract will be from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 and the maximum value is £277,000.00. The contract was procured by direct award using the Crown Commercial G Cloud 13 framework. We are asking the PCC to sign and seal the contract.

Supporting Document

Regional Digital Interview Recording (DIR) Contract

The current Oracle licences expire 5th April 2024 and we are looking to renew for a further year. The procurement is a direct award using the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Back Office Software framework (BOS) – reference RM6194

Supporting Document

Fuel Card Contract

The current Fuel Card contract (CON884) expires 22nd March 2024. Bluelight Commercial (BLC) have tendered on behalf all the Police Forces and have awarded a framework to Allstar Business Solutions as the sole supplier. Procurement is looking to enter into a contract with Allstar for 2 years with an option to extend for a further two periods of one year. The estimated annual value is £2,000,000 million and the contract requires the PCC to sign and seal the contract

Supporting Document

Safer Streets 5 Interventions

In August 2023, the OPCC was given the opportunity to bid for funding from the Home Office as part of Safer Streets Round 5. There were 3 themes outlined that the Home Ofice wanted to see tackled for relevant areas which were VAWG (Violence against women and girls), Neighbourhood crime and ASB (Antisocial Behaviour). There was a 50% match funding element also required meaning for whatever we bid for, we had to find approximately 50% in match funding from within our own expenditure for the themes being applied for.

The delivery period for Safer Streets 5 was to be from October 2023 to March 2025 and therefore 18 months. The first grant given from the Home Office would cover the first 6 months which is October 2023 to the end of March 2024 (6 months). The second grant will cover April 2024 to March 2025 (12 months).

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Safety Fund - Round 3

Round 3 opened for applications on 11th December 2023 and closed on 15th January 2024. 34 applications were submitted during this time. The applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and moderated by a panel between 16th January and 29th January 2024.

Of the 34, 13 applications were disqualified during an initial sift for either not meeting the criteria of the specialist round or delivering out of the target areas. 1 application was unfortunately disqualified as they are currently in receipt of OPCC funding. The remaining 20 applications were individually evaluated by the Commissioning Team, and the scores moderated. During the moderation period it was agreed that a further 6 applications either did not meet the criteria for the specialist round, delivered out of the target areas, or did not meet the requirement for 12 months of delivery. Of the remaining 14 eligible applications, 2 scored above 70%, 6 scored between 60% - 70% and 6 scored less than 60%. Due to the quality of the bids received and the limited funds available for this round, it was agreed to recommend awarding those applications scoring 63% or higher.

The PCC approved to fund 7 bids in Round 3. This equates to a funding commitment of £99,087.58

Supporting Document

Digital Forensics Transformational Project contract

The Digital Hub are seeking to implement a greenfield deployment of a digital forensics network, on-premises, private cloud infrastructure, public cloud services used for data archiving, deployment of Magnet Forensics Digital Investigation Suite (MDIS) software and implementation of a fully managed service provision. The contract will be for five years with two optional extensions.

 Supporting Document

Renewal of agreement – Leicestershire Safety Camera Partnership (LSCP)

The current agreement with the LSCP for their occupation of the former Red Room at Force HQ terminates at the end of April next year. As such, it has been provisionally agreed with the Partnership that they will enter into a new three year agreement from the 1st May 2024 at the rent of £80,000 per annum. The other terms will remain the same as in the current agreement whereby the LSCP occupy on an all-inclusive basis with the Force being responsible for the upkeep of the property and the provision of services with the LSCP being responsible for any damage they cause to the accommodation.

Supporting Document

Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

Approval of Carry Forward Requests

Arrangements may be necessary for the transfer of resources between accounting years, i.e. a carry forward. This may increase or decrease the resources available to budget holders in the following financial year, dependent upon the nature of the budget variation. Carry forwards impact on reserves therefore are subject to PCC approval.

Supporting Document

People Zones Grants Fund – 2023-2024 - Round 3 Successful Bids

This funding round opened on 06/11/2023 and closed on 04/12/2023. 17 applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell conducted due diligence checks on 05/12/2023, individually marked each application during the period of 06/12/2023 - 07/12/2023, and then moderated their scores on 08/12/2023.

8 applications were approved by moderators.

Upon review, the PCC approved to fund 8 bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £44,158.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Safety Fund - Round 2

Round 2 opened for applications on 04/09/2023 and closed on 02/10/2023 and 39 applications were submitted. The applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and moderated by a panel between 03/10/2023 – 06/10/2023.

Of the 39, 12 applications scored 75% or above, 11 scored between 65% - 74.9% and 16 scored less than 65%. Due to the quality of bids received, the decision was made to award to those applications scoring 70% or higher.

The PCC approved to fund 17 bids in Round 2. This equates to a funding commitment of £162,110.12

Supporting Document

Disposal of non-Police vehicles extension

An extension to the existing contract is required due to the procurement process for a new contract being aborted due to supplier issues raised. The current arrangement is a framework which is accessed by all East Midlands forces except Lincolnshire.

Supporting Document

Laptops Contract

IT requires 700 Laptops as part of the IT uplift and replacement programme. It was agreed to publish a further competition using the Crown Commercial RM6068 Technology Products framework – hardware lot. The evaluation was 100% price and we received six responses. The lowest price was from SCC with a price of £931,688.00.

Supporting Document

People Zones Grants Fund – 2023-2024 - Round 2 Successful Bids

This funding round opened on 21/08/2023 and closed on 18/09/2023. 10 applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell individually marked each application during the period 19/09/2023 - 21/09/2023, and then moderated and evaluated their scores together on 22/09/2023. 8 applications were approved by moderators.
Upon review, the PCC approved to fund 8 bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £29,650.20

Supporting Document

The Pathfinder Initiative

To provide funding of £29,290.00 for the Pathfinder Initiative. The funding to be weighted toward the first year to support the delivery of 6 Pathfinder events (2 per year) within the Leicestershire PCC area over a three-year period.

Supporting Document

ITSM Tool contract

IT require an IT service management (ITSM) tool, which manages IT tasks from a single workspace. This will improve efficiency, accountability and have better visibility withi IT systems. It was agreed to procure the ITSM using Crown Commercial Service G Cloud 13 framework. A shortlist of three companies were evaluated and the contract has been award to HaloITSM for a maximum value of £220,000 over a four-year period.

Supporting Document

People Zones Grants Fund – 2023-2024 - Round 1 Successful Bids

This funding round opened on 19/06/2023 and closed on 17/07/2023. Six applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and Performance and Assurance Officer Sajan Devshi marked each application during the period 18/07/2023 - 20/07/2023, and then later moderated their scores on 20/07/2023 under the supervision of Heather Pearce, Commissioning and Contracts Officer.  All six applications were approved by moderators.

Upon review, the PCC approved to fund all six bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £32,957.67

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Safety Fund - Round 1 Addendum

Round 1 opened for applications on 03/07/2023 and closed on 31/07/2023. 57 applications were submitted during this time. The applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and moderated by a panel 01/08/2023 – 18/08/2023. Of the 57, 14 applications scored 75% or above, 8 scored between 65% - 74.9% and 35 scored less than 65%. Due to the exceptional volume of applications and the quality of bids received, the decision was made to award those applications scoring 75% or higher under Decision Record EXE0037-23. Concerns were highlighted when conducting due diligence checks on one of the 14 high scoring applications, and so only 13 applications were initially awarded. However, after further investigation, this concern has been resolved and the decision has been made to award to this additional application as an addendum to the original decision.
This equates to a funding commitment of £5,779.00, making the total funding commitment for Round 1 £129,400.95.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Safety Fund - Round 1

In 2021/22 the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, The Commissioner’s Safety Fund. The Commissioner’s Safety fund is a grants programme with six rounds per year alternating between generic and specialist themed rounds. Round 1 is the first general round of the year.

Round 1 opened for applications on 03/07/2023 and closed on 31/07/2023. 57 applications were submitted during this time. The applications were assessed in line with the Commissioner's Safety Fund criteria and moderated by a panel 01/08/2023 – 18/08/2023. Of the 57, 14 applications scored 75% or above, 8 scored between 65% - 74.9% and 35 scored less than 65%. Due to the exceptional volume of applications and the quality of bids received, the decision was made to recommend awarding those applications scoring 75% or higher. Concerns were highlighted when conducting due diligence checks on one of the 14 high scoring applications, so whilst further investigations are taking place, it is recommended that the PCC fund the following 13 applicants. This equates to a funding commitment of £123, 621.95

Supporting Document

Sale of land – Wigston Police Station

Following a recent inspection at Wigston Police Station, it became apparent that part of the Force’s land ownership had been fenced off from the main area of our ownership and was now effectively part of the adjoining ownership of the Oadby and Wigston Council’s allotment area, as indicated on the attached plan. It is not known how this situation has arisen but it has been like this for a considerable period of time and in no way affects the operation of the station.

Supporting Document

Cloud Resources additional work

This is an extension to CONT0189 from 27th October 2023 to 26th October 2024. Risual have worked with us to assess services for migration to the cloud. This purchase will enable us to continue that effort, and undertake the recommended moves, by providing us with additional days of cloud consultancy and project support, not factored into at the time of the award.

Supporting Document

Medical Services in SARC

A new contract is required for the provision of medical services for people who have experienced a recent sexual assault and abuse. Personalised services are required to be delivered by trained and competent practitioners in settings that respect privacy and that are easy to access. These services include specialist medical and forensic examinations, practical and emotional support and support through the judicial process.

Supporting Document

Mobile Data Sims Contract

The current Mobile Data Sims contract with BT/ EE expired on 31st July 2023, the current contract value is £650,000 (contract reference CON881). The Police Digital Service has recommended using the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) RM6261 Mobile Voice & Data Services framework, Lot 1 – Mobile Voice & Data Services catalogue.

Our assets consist of approximately 4112 mobile sims on EE, moving to another provider would demand extensive resources and time to facilitate a major change therefore IT & Procurement are recommending renewing the contract under the agreed framework.

The Crown Commercial Service has provided a price comparison tool spreadsheet which lets us estimate values for a 3-year contract for 7.5 TB capacity. We have also estimated a minimum £50,000 cost to change network, although it’s probably far higher.

The EE offer provides best value compared to other companies on the framework lot and we have estimated a £9,202.74 monthly saving compared the existing contract.  The contract period will be from August 2023 to July 2026, starting on the signature date and Procurement are recommending awarding the Mobile Data Sims opportunity to BT/EE for an estimated contract value of £307,008.00. This has been approved by Paul Dawkins, Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources).  The 36 months savings is £331,299.00.

Supporting Document

Body Worn Video Camera

At present the force has a mixture of Reveal Media RS2 and D3 Body Worn Video (BWV) cameras. The RS2 camera became end of life (EoL) in March 2020 and is no longer supported. It has been agreed that we procure new Reveal Media K7 body worn cameras by direct award using the ESPO 628 Security and Surveillance Equipment & Services framework – Lot 7 Body Worn Video Cameras.
The Force requires 1424 x K6 Bodycams & Licences and 35 x Docking stations with 18 months warranty. The total price is £857,095.40 and the contract requires the Police Commissioner’s signature and a seal.

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Custody Meals

The current contract for custody meals (CON916) expires 30th June and Kent/Essex police forces have awarded a new framework to BFS Group Limited (Trading as Bidfood). The current spend is approximately £70,000.00 a year.

The tender process was a single supplier framework with a framework direct award to BFS Group Limited (Trading as Bidfood) by Kent Police.  It is recommended that the tender is awarded to BFS Group Limited for an estimated value of £280,000.00 for a four-year contract.

Supporting Document

People Zone Staffing and funding

People Zones is an initiative funded and led by a project team in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). There are currently three People Zones; Bell Foundry (Charnwood), New Parks (City) and Thringstone & Whitwick (North West Leicestershire).

During 2022, the staffing structure for People Zones consisted of 1 x Community Development Lead and 1 x Project Support Officer. As the Community Development Lead was due to go on maternity leave in December 2022, a review of the team structure was undertaken. A decision was made to have 2 x Community Development Officers on a Fixed Term Contract (FTC) to allow for cover and support during the maternity leave period.

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Laptops, Desktops & Docks contract

IT requires 1,000 Laptops, 50 x Desktops & 400 x Laptop Docks as part of the IT uplift and replacement programme.  It was agreed to publish a further competition using the Crown Commercial RM6068 Technology Products framework – hardware lot. The evaluation was 100% price and we received six responses. The lowest price was from Getech with a price of £1,458,100.00
This has been approved by Ruth Gilbert, Head of Finance, deputising for Paul Dawkins, Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources) and I am requesting that the Police Commissioner signs and seals the contract for this requirement

Supporting Document

Mainstream funding for the Violence Reduction Network (VRN) from 1 April 2025

A business case was prepared at the request of the Interim Chief Executive of the OPCC to inform decision-making over the future financial sustainability of the Violence Reduction Network (VRN).  Drawing on sources of local and national evidence it outlined the case for the OPCC to identify and secure funding from 1 April 2025 to conver the costs of the core team and an operating budget should central grant funding cease.

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Extension of Agreement – Catch 22 (Victim First)

Earlier this year it was necessary to seek the PCC’s approval to the extension of the Catch 22 (Victim First) agreement in respect of their occupation of room G-152, Admin 1, ground floor, Force HQ.

The extension was from the 1st August this year for a period of five months to the end of the calender year and was necessary in order that the contract for the work, which gives assistance to the victims of crime, could be completed.

It has subsequently transpired that in order to allow sufficient time for the procurement process for the renewal of the contract to be effected, a further extension of time, from the 1st January to the 31st March 2024, is now necessary. Accordingly, an extension has been agreed to cover the three month period at a rent of £1,870 with the other terms of the agreement remaining the same.

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Body Armour

A new contract is required for the provision of Body Armour for Officers and Staff.

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Firearms New Office & Locker Rooms Alterations

Estates have been leading on a contract for the extension and alterations to the Firearms Building at Force Headquarters. It was agreed to publish a further competition using the Estates maintenance framework.  Therefore a further competition was run under the Leicestershire Police Estates Framework. The invitation to bidders was published 31/03/23, with a submission date of 05/05/23.

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Euston Street – Server Room Cooling Update

Following the outcome of a competitive tender exercise, additional funding of £350k is required to upgrade the cooling system within the Euston Street server room, as estimated costs have increased from £320k to £670K. This cost increase can be funded from projected underspends and slippage in the 2023/24 capital programme. This report should be read in conjunction with the original report of 20/6/22. The deadline to award the contract is 13 July 2023.

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The Provision of Regional Internal Audit Services call off contract

The current contract for The Provision of Internal Audit Services expired on 31st March 2023.
A full tender process was undertaken by Derbyshire on behalf of the region, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, and Lincolnshire.

Mazars where successful and were awarded the contract. The contract commencement date is 1/4/23 until 31/3/26 with an option to extend for a further 12 months

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Approval of Capital Programme 2023/24

The Capital Programme was presented to the Commissioner for consideration in the Corporate Governance Board on 18th January 2023. A decision was not reached therefore a further meeting was scheduled for the 31st January 2023 in which the Capital programme was agreed and approved.

The Capital spend for 2023/24 was agreed at £10.9m of which £2.2m was to fund existing projects previously agreed. New projects have been agreed as part of the capital programme.

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Regional Digital Interview Recording (DIR) contract

The regional contract expires on 27th July 2023 and a new contract is required for the region. However, Leicestershire are going to start to charge forces for the hosting service that is being provided. There is no intention to ‘back-date’ this, but forces will be charged going forwards. The costings are being worked out by IT and we will be confirmed to the forces once they are defined.

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Xplan Door Access System Contract

The current Xplan Door Access System contract expires 30th June this year and we are required to competitively tender the requirement. The spend is approximately £80,000 a year and the contract is currently with CVL Systems.

An invitation to tender was published on, advertised on Find a Tender Service (FTS) and Contracts Finder.

Supporting Document

Renewal of Agreement – Catch 22 (Victim First)

The Catch 22 project which gives assistance to victims of crime has been in occupation of room G-152, Admin 1, Ground Floor, Force HQ since 1st August 2021 on the basis of an internal police agreement at an annual rent of £7,500, which terminates on July 31st this year. However, the contract which Catch 22 has with the PCC does not end until the end of December this year. As such it will be necessary to grant a five month extension period to Catch 22 in order for them to complete the remainder of their contract.

Accordingly, a five month extension has been provisionally agreed with Catch 22 for them to remain in their existing accommodation at a rent of £3,125 to cover the whole five month period. The rent is based on the current rent of £7,500 per annum on a pro rata basis for the five month period. The other terms of the agreement will remain unchanged.

Supporting Document

People Zones Round 1 Thringstone & Whitwick Successful Bids

To be eligible to apply for People Zone funding, applicants must be living, working, or providing a service within a People Zone, and the project must meet one or more of the themes identified within the People Zones research report. This decision relates to the second round of funding of 2023, ring fenced for the Thringstone & Whitwick people zone.

The Thringstone & Whitwick funding round opened on 27/02/2023 and closed on 27/03/2023. Four applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell individually marked each application during the period 28/03/2023 – 03/04/2023, and then moderated their scores on 04/04/2023 under the supervision of Kaitlin Trenerry, Commissioning and Contracts Officer. All Four applications were approved.

The PCC approved to fund six bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £14,197.00

Supporting Document

Community Safety Partnerships Funding 2023/2024

The Police and Crime Commissioner undertook a review of the funding provision for the Community Safety Partnerships (known as CSPs) across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This review was taken to the December 2022 meeting of the Police and Crime Panel and the revised process is now underway. In previous year, the CSPs were allocated funding for each financial year, to spend as required in line with their objectives, however it was sometimes the case that not all funding was spent. From this year, the funds now remain with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and are ringfenced for each CSP to apply for. CSPs can apply for as many projects as they are able to within the allocated funding.

Each project is put through the OPCC as a proposal, reviewed by members of the OPCC staff with final sign off, if successful, granted by the OPCC Senior Management Team.

Supporting Document

Commissioning budget 2023/2024

As part of the budget setting process, the Police and Crime Commissioner reviews and approves the Commissioning budget for the new financial year.

For 2023/24 the Commissioner has agreed a commissioning budget of £4,560,292 an increase of £122,404 from the previous financial year. Details of the commissioned services and the agreed budgeted spend is set out in Appendix A.

Within the 2023-24 commissioning budget there is an emergent issues budget line, this budget is a collective area of spend that covers projects and services that are in the process of being developed. This budget line is a total of £531,527.

Supporting Document

People Zones Round 1 Bell Foundry Successful Bids

To be eligible to apply for People Zone funding, applicants must be living, working, or providing a service within a People Zone, and the project must meet one or more of the themes identified within the People Zones research report. This decision relates to the first round of funding ring fenced for the Bell Foundry people zone in 2023.

The Bell Foundry funding round opened on 30/01/2023 and closed on 27/02/2023. Five applications were submitted during this time. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell individually marked each application during the period 28/02/2023 - 07/03/2023, and then moderated their scores on 08/03/2023 under the supervision of Charlotte Highcock, Commissioning Manager. Two applications were approved, and three applications were unsuccessful.

The PCC approved to fund two bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £9,950.00.

Supporting Document

People Zones Round 1 New Parks Successful Bids

To be eligible to apply for People Zone funding, applicants must be living, working, or providing a service within a People Zone, and the project must meet one or more of the themes identified within the People Zones research report. This decision relates to the second round of funding of 2023, ring fenced for the New Parks people zone.

The New Parks funding round opened on 13/02/2023 and closed on 13/03/2023. Eight applications were submitted during this time. One application was submitted after the deadline and was excluded from the round. Community Development Officers Lily Thorne and James O’Connell individually marked each application during the period 14/03/2023 - 16/03/2023, and then moderated their scores on 17/03/2023 under the supervision of Kaitlin Trenerry, Commissioning and Contracts Officer.  Six applications were approved and three were unsuccessful.

The PCC approved to fund three bids in this round. This equates to a funding commitment of £38,277.06

Supporting Document

Provision of Security Services

A new contract is required for the provision of Security services. The Force and EMSOU employ the services of a Security company at two sites. These services include guarding, reception services, room bookings and security patrols. A 24-hour presence at one operational site is maintained.

Supporting Document

Oracle Shared Licences

The Force requires new Oracle licences, which include a shared (between Force) capability as the old licences are no longer valid. We are procuring by direct award using the Crown Commercial Service RM6194 Back Office Software framework and are asking the Police and Crime Commissioner tosign / seal the Oracle ordering document.

Supporting Document

Replacement Digital Interview Units

Leicester Police requires the replacement of their Digital Interview Recording units. It was agreed procure through direct award using the Durham Constabulary - Provision of Digital Interview Recording system framework.

Supporting Document

Contribution of £6,000, match funding to the WIN Conference

The OPCC SMT received a business case requesting funding for a contribution of £6,000 towards the
Women’s Inclusive Network conference. This contribution is to be matched by the Force.

Supporting Document

Smart Storm Contract

The current Storm, Command and Control support and maintenance services contract with Sopra Steria Ltd (reference no. CON855), expires 31st March 2023. The existing Storm contract price is £189,097.57 a year.

It was agreed with the Project Change Team and Contact Management, to make a direct award using a HTE COM-IT framework agreement for a new Smart Storm application via the reseller SCC. This has been approved by Paul Dawkins, Assistant Chief Officer (Finance & Resources) and the Exec Group, through a Business Case.

Supporting Document

Dell Support Renewal

Dell Support for ECS & Isilon software is due to renewal from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 and a further competition was published using the Crown Commercial Service RM6068 Technology Products framework – software suppliers. We received three tenders and Phoenix Software provide the lowest price of £270,318.78 and required the PCC signature and seal.

Supporting Document

Lease Renewal, Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome

In March 2020 the lease of premises at Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome was renewed for a three year period with the landlord and owner of the aerodrome Cox Automotive Ltd at an annual rent of £21,000 per annum. Because that lease will expire in March this year, negotiations have been ongoing in respect of a renewal of such lease. Accordingly, terms have now been provisionally agreed for a new lease for a further three years at an annual rent of £23,100 per annum commencing in March this year. The new rent represents an increase of 10% compared to the existing rent and is considered to be acceptable in relation to the current market for commercial properties over a three year period. The remainder of the terms of the lease are unaltered.  The property is still required for policing purposes.

Supporting Document

Microsoft Licence Renewal

The current agreement for Microsoft Licences expires 28th February this year and we have issued a further competition using the Crown Commercial Service RM6068 Technology Products framework – Lot 3 Software Suppliers. Insight Direct offered the lowest price for a three-year agreement and we are seeking a contract under seal be signed with Insight Direct for a price of £4,584,337.27

Supporting Document

Commissioner's Safety Fund Round 6 2022

In 2021/22 the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) launched his grant programme, The Commissioner’s Safety Fund. The Commissioners Safety fund is a grants programme with 6 rounds per year alternating between generic and specialist themed rounds. Round 6 is the final, specialist round of the year.

For Round 6 of the Commissioner’s Safety Fund, £111k was made available to fund domestic abuse and sexual violence services providing support to victims and witnesses affected by the delays in the Criminal Justice System.

Supporting Document

Video Conferencing Contract

The current agreement to maintain and install video conferencing equipment in Leicestershire Police has expired. EMSOU also require a suitable contractor to maintain and install video conferencing equipment.

 Supporting Document


2022 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

IT Cooling - Euston Street

With the increased use of information technology by the Force, there has been a subsequent increase in IT equipment installed in one of the main IT rooms located at Euston Street.

This has meant the cooling plant currently installed no longer has capacity to keep the equipment cool particularly on hotter days or in the event of cooling plant servicing/breakdown.  If this is not resolved there is a significant risk of the Force losing some or all of its IT systems. The cooling plant needs upgrading at a budget cost of £320K.

Supporting Document

Handheld Airwave Kits

Procurement are looking to make a direct award to Sepura Limited for 2,200 x Handheld Radio Bundles, 4,400 x Accessories and 2,200 Licence Packs using the Police Digital Service (PDS) Airwave framework and due to the value require PCC contract signature and sea the contract.

Supporting Document

The Community Fund: Diversion from Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime (Commissioner's Safety Fund Round 5)

The Community Fund: Diversion from Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and Crime is a collaboration between the OPCC and VRN reflecting our shared commitment to prevention and early intervention and the value of partnering with communities in our collective efforts to keep our children and young people safe.

The OPCC ring fenced £100,000 from the Commissioner’s Safety Fund budget for this round, and the
VRN match funded this, giving a total budget of £200,000. For this round, applicants could submit bids up to the value of £20,000, with a project duration of between 12 and 24 months.

The Community Fund opened for applications on 26/09/2022 and closed on 24/10/2022 at 17:00. 34
applications were submitted during this time.  The evaluation panel for this round included Kaitlin Trenerry, Commissioning and Contracts Officer (OPCC), Lisa Wilkinson, Community and Young Person Involvement Officer (VRN) and Laura Summers, Lead for Trauma Informed (VRN). The panel individually evaluated each application upon closure of the round and met to moderate their scores on 28/10/2022. Charlotte Highcock, Head of Commissioning (OPCC), adjudicated the moderations, and Grace Strong, Strategic Director (VRN) attended in an advisory capacity. The final score was calculated for each application by taking the average of the 3 evaluators scores.

Supporting Document

People Zone Community Payback – New Parks

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £150,000 for the People Zones Project for the 2022-2023 financial year. There are currently three People Zones, with each area allocated £50,000. This will fund projects/programmes or initiatives, the purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas.

The PCC has received and considered an application for Community Payback funding in the New Parks People Zone area and has agreed to fund.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Commissioners Safety Fund – Round 4 Successful Bids

In 2021/22 the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) launched his grant programme, The Commissioner’s Safety Fund. The Commissioner’s Safety fund is a grants programme with 6 rounds per year alternating between generic and specialist themed rounds. Round 4 is the second general round of the year.

Round 4 opened for applications on 01/06/2022 and closed on 25/07/2022. 23 applications were submitted during this time. The applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and moderated by a panel 23/09/2022 – 27/09/2022. 2 applications scored 70% or above, 7 scored 60% or above, 8 scored 50% or above, and 8 scored less than 50%. Following discussion with the Head of Commissioning, the decision was initially made to award those applications that scored 60% or higher, due to the high quality of these applications. However, on further investigation, 2 of those applications were deemed unsuitable for funding on this occasion due to the applications not aligning with the values of the Police and Crime Plan. The successful were presented to the PCC for final approval.  The PCC approved to fund 7 bids in Round 4. This equates to a funding commitment of £65,474.00


Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Commissioners Safety Fund – Round 3
Successful Bids

In 2021/22 the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) launched his grant programme, The
Commissioner’s Safety Fund. The Commissioners Safety fund is grants programme with 6 rounds per
year alternating between generic and specialist themed rounds. This decision record relates to the third, specialist round- Children and Young People.

6 applications were received, all of which met the eligibility criteria. All applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and on the 15th of August the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.  The PCC approved to fund 5 bids in Round 3

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Commissioners Safety Fund – Round 2 Successful Bids

In 2021/22 the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) launched his grant programme, The Commissioner’s Safety Fund. The Commissioners Safety fund is grants programme with 6 rounds per year alternating between generic and specialist themed rounds. This decision record relates to the second, general round.

19 applications were received, however one of these applications did not meet the eligibility criteria and was eliminated from the evaluation process at this stage. All applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and on the 15th August the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.

The PCC approved to fund 11 bids in Round 2 which scored 40% or above. 7 applications were eliminated from the process at this stage due to scoring below 40%.

Supporting Document

Ministry of Justice Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services

In April 2022 the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) confirmed that in addition to their core funding, Police and Crime Commissioners would receive an additional £15.7m funding for domestic abuse and sexual violence support services. Police and Crime Commissioners were required to make this funding opportunity available to commissioned services and frontline providers. This opportunity was advertised on the OPCC website and using our mailing list, requesting that providers in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland completed and returned a needs assessment, which was then submitted to the MoJ.

The bids received as part of the provider’s needs assessments totalled £753,581.00

Supporting Document

Desktops, Laptops & Workstations Contract

Procurement are looking to award the purchase of 95 workstations, 400 desktops, 400 laptops and 100 laptop bags to XMA Limited after a further competition using the Crown Commercial Service RM6068 Technology Products framework (Hardware lot).

Supporting Document

Operation Repeat - Door step Fraud awareness project

Operation Repeat is as above a door step fraud awareness project with the principal aim of identifying and training key local Health and care professionals to provide fraud awareness messaging to members of their local communities who are vulnerable to fraud

Supporting Document

Speed Workshops Service Level Agreement

The Royal Safety Partnership Memorandum of Understanding includes the provision of NDORS Driver Awareness Courses. After taking legal advice it is confirmed that the provision of NDORS Driver Awareness Courses is outside the scope of the Public Procurement regulations and a formal Service Level Agreement (SLA) is to be agreed and signed by both parties.

Supporting Document

Supply and fit of tyres and associated products and services for Blue Light

Procurement are looking to award the supply and fit of tyres and associated products and services contract from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2025 for a maximum value of £360,000.

Supporting Document

Front Enquiry Accommodation - Rutland

When the new police station was built in Oakham in 2015 Estates were asked not to include an FEO (Front Enquiry Office) as it was to be sited at the Rutland County Council Offices, Catmose, Oakham. This remained open until the beginning of COVID when the council contact centre closed. The office has been closed ever since and Rutland County Council have made the decision not to reopen permanently. This has left the Force without an FEO in Rutland and with the new PCC’s commitment to rural policing, efforts have been made to find an alternative location.

Supporting Document

Firearms Force Headquarters

The Firearms Department require additional space in the existing firearms building at FHQ. This includes enlarging the locker room because of the increase in kit that each officer now has, and resolving the issue of overcrowded office space.
The proposed work involves extending into the under-croft between Firearms and the Academy, converting the existing firearms classroom, office space, canteen, and enlarging the female locker room. All the lockers in both the male and female locker rooms will be replaced with larger bespoke lockers to house the additional kit.

Supporting Document

Thringstone and Whitwick People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas, the purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas. This includes investing in building community and providing interventions which will support parents, children and young people to achieve and make positive choices thereby creating a bedrock from which the community safety objectives of the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan can be achieved in those specific communities.

Supporting Document

Temporary Labour Contract award

Leicestershire Police are looking to award a contract to Adecco for the supply of Temporary Labour for a period of 7 years from 3rd September 2022 to 2nd September 2029.

Supporting Document

Extension to the existing contracts for Waste Services across the Force

The Force is currently contracted to Veolia and ShredStation for the provision of General Waste and Recycling at all force locations. The current total annual contract value is £56,282.56. The contracts were let after a competitive tendering process through EMSCU for a four-year period until 30th April 2021; an initial extension was approved until 30th April 2022. Under normal circumstances a tender process would now be in place for new contracts to commence from 1st May 2022.

Supporting Document

New Parks People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning
budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas, the
purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas.

This includes investing in building community and providing interventions which will support parents, children · and young people to achieve and make positive choices thereby creating a bedrock from which the community safety objectives ofthe PCC's Police and Crime Plan can be achieved in those specific communities.

Supporting Document

New Contract for Photocopiers

A new contract is required from 1st July 2022 for the lease of photocopiers in the Reprographics department.

Supporting Document

Vehicle Body Repair Framework

The current vehicle body repair framework expires 31st July 2022, we advertised a new framework (three year plus two optional extensions of one year) and received four responses. One tender was disqualified and we are recommending to award a place on the framework to the remaining three tenderers.

Supporting Document

Office Furniture Contract

Procurement are looking to award Gresham Office Furniture (GOF) a contract for office furniture products and associated services, from 25th April 2022 to 22nd June 2023 plus two optional periods of 1 year for a maximum value of £600,000. The value also includes possible office upfit(s).

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Commissioners Safety Fund - Round 1 VAWG Successful Bid

In 2021/22 the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) launched his grant programme, The
Commissioner's Safety Fund. The Commissioners Safety fund is a grants programme with 6 rounds per year alternating between generic and specialist themed rounds.

This decision record relates to the first specialist themed Violence Against Women and Girls round.

21 applications were received, however of these only 10 met the specialist round criteria. All applications were assessed in line with the Commissioners Safety Fund criteria and on 6th April 2022 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval and 8 bids were approved.

Supporting Document

Provision of Cleaning services across the Force/OPCC

The current provider on contract for cleaning services is Leicestershire County Council, who subcontract these services to Atalian Servest AMK. The current contract expires on 31 st March
2022.  The current annual contract value for cleaning services is £622,873.65 is per annum.

Supporting Document

Contribution to MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) 2022/23

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs) exist to enable public bodies and their commissioned provision to best assess, manage and mitigate the risks faced by those victims within the highest risk domestic abuse relationships. In Leicestershire there is a single MARAC covering the force area and this has been on a remodelling journey since 2017/18.

MARACs were originally set up with the support of SafeLives and have existed for many years now and are widely recognised as being a key feature of any local response to domestic abuse. In 2017/18 our approach to MARACs was to have a monthly meeting where the highest risk cases were discussed. With monies from the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Transformation Fund the MARAC was developed from a single monthly meeting to weekly and eventually daily meetings.

The PCC’s contribution to the MARAC for 2022/23 is currently £20,000. It is proposed to increase contributions across the partnership to add capacity and the PCC’s contribution to this would see an additional £8,700 for 2022/23.

Supporting Document

Social Media Platform

Procurement are seeking to award a contract to Socialsignin Limited (trading as Orlo) for a period of two years, from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2024 with two optional extensions of one year to extend until 31st March 2026.

Supporting Document

Acquisition of property - Braunstone Lane, Leicester

The Force currently leases a property on Braunstone Lane, Leicester for the annual rent of £12,000 from the Hinckley and Rugby Building Society. Included in the terms of the lease is the option to acquire the freehold interest of the premises and discussions with the Society have been ongoing with this objective in mind. As such, the sum of £315,000 has been provisionally agreed with the Society, with each party paying its own legal fees. This figure is considered to be a fair and reasonable price in the current residential property market.

Supporting Document

Provision Of Pensions Administration Services

Procurement are seeking to award a contract to XPS Administration for an initial contract period from 1st April 2022 until 31st March 2026 with an option at Leicestershire Police's sole discretion to include a further three year extension until 31st March 2029.

Supporting Document

New Parks People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas, the
purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas.

This includes investing in building community and providing interventions which will support parents, children and young people to achieve and make positive choices thereby creating a bedrock from which the community safety objectives of the PCC's Police and Crime Plan can be achieved in those specific communities.

Supporting Document

New Parks People Zone Funding Application

People Zones is an initiative that was created by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in 2018. People Zones are geographical locations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) which have been identified through crime, public health and census data.

People Zones aim to provide communities with an opportunity to shape and become involved in work designed to build stronger, safer and more resilient communities.

To inform the direction of this work, the OPCC is looking to commission one provider to undertake community consultation and research into the People Zone areas by adopting an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, focusing on people and place assets within the communities.

 Supporting Document

The Hampton Trust - CARA contract 2021/22

The Police and Crime Commissioner holds a contract with The Hampton Trust. The Hampton Trust provide an out of court disposal programme for perpetrators of domestic abuse, known as CARA. Leicestershire Police refer eligible perpetrators of domestic abuse i.e. those issued an out of court disposal to the programme

Historically, referrals to the service have been low; a number of factors more recently have
influenced demand and these were discussed in detail in the meeting. Currently we are now in a position whereby the number of referrals has exceeded that covered by the contract value and a overspend has developed.

In order to correct this position a plan to split the overspend £9,750 between the three parties involved (Leicestershire Police, The Hampton Trust and the Office of the Police and Crime
Commissioner) has been proposed.

Supporting Document

Provision of Medical Services in SARC

The Force is currently contracted to Mitie care and Custody for the provision of Medical Services (Custody) and SARC services. The current total annual contract value for the SARC element is £261,684.

The services provided at the SARC include healthcare assessment and forensic examinations on victims of sexual assaults. Screening with a view to referral to community services, health promotion and disease prevention.

Supporting Document


2021 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

Violence Reduction Network Youth Involvement Fund - Successful Bid

In November 2021, the Violence Reduction Network as part of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire announced the VRN Youth Involvement Fund. This was following agreement by the VRN core membership that a forecasted underspend would be used to advance the VRN's work to increase involvement of young people in our understanding of serious violence and in generating responses (decision made at the Violence Reduction Board on 23 September 2021). Authorisation was also secured from the Home Office. The total value of the fund was initially £50,000 but was
increased to a maximum of £80,000, again with Home Office authorisation, due to the number of high quality bids and opportunity to increase geographical spread.

Supporting Document

New Parks People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas, the
purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas.

This includes investing in building community and providing interventions which will support parents, children and young people to achieve and make positive choices thereby creating a bedrock from which the community safety objectives of the PCC's Police and Crime Plan can be achieved in those specific

The PCC has received and considered an application for projects in the New Parks People Zone area and has agreed to fund.

Supporting Document

Out of Court Disposal Programme for Young Adults

Courts are experiencing significant backlogs in the aftermath of the pandemic. Delivering effective community resolutions and out of court disposals are key in managing this not just for the Criminal Justice System and Leicestershire Police but for young adults too.

The Engage Project (Engage) was established in 2014 as an arm of the local Integrated Offender Management (IOM) programme. It was and continues to be the only local non-statutory service for 18-24 year olds which is specifically tailored to their distinct needs. The project comprises of a small team of key workers who support and deliver interventions to young adults as part of an out-of-court disposal and/or as they transition from the youth to adult justice system.

Engage is funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner via a contribution to Integrated Offender Management. The delivery partner for Engage are the National Probation Service (NPS), prior to the reunification of Probation Services, the local Community Rehabilitation Company was the provider. NPS have agreed to continue delivery as an interim measure (until March 2022) but the service will need to re-commissioned prior to this point to secure a new provider.

Supporting Document

Violence Reduction Network - Funding

The Violence Reduction Network (VRN) is funded through the Home Office Serious Violence Fund and is one of 18 Home Office funded Violence Reduction Units (VRU). Every year to date, VRUs have not received an indication of the following year's funding until the end of December. The application process usually commences late February with confirmation of success received in April (after the funding year has commenced).

The risk of the Home Office ceasing funding in 2022/23 is assessed as low however there is a risk that the Home Office may reduce its funding or change the requirements of its core grant.

Supporting Document

New Parks People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas, the purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas. This includes investing in building community and providing interventions which will support parents, children and young people to achieve and make positive choices thereby creating a bedrock from which the community safety objectives of the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan can be achieved in those specific communities.

The PCC has received and considered 1 application for a project in the New Parks People Zone area and has agreed to fund said project.

Supporting Document

Sexual Assault Referral Centres 2 year contract extensions

The Forensic Science Regulator is requiring all Sexual Abuse Referral Centres (SARCs) to gain forensic accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) by 31st March 2023. This coincides with the end date for the existing SARC contracts (paediatric and adults) serving the Leicestershire population. This creates significant procurement and service delivery risks which can be mitigated by providing an extension to the existing contracts of 2 years. This will allow both the current providers to gain accreditation and also for wider providers to do so within the market creating a healthy provider market from which to commission provision thereafter.

Supporting Document

New Parks People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas, the purpose of which is to support the achievements and objectives across all the People Zones areas. This includes investing in building community and providing interventions which will support parents, children and young people to achieve and make positive choices thereby creating a bedrock from which the community safety objectives of the PCC's Police and Crime Plan can be achieved in those specific communities.

The PCC has received and considered 2 applications for projects in the New Parks People Zone area
and has agreed to fund 3 of them.

Supporting Document

Accommodation Issues - Coalville

Following the sale ofthe former Coalville Police Station in 2018 and our shared occupation ofthe Coalville Fire Station, the steady increase in staffing numbers has resulted in difficult working conditions in relation to the space available. Accordingly, consideration has been given to the acquisition of additional accommodation in Coalville in order to alleviate this problem.

Supporting Document

The Commissioner's Safety Fund

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has decided to put aside a pot of money from his
Commissioning budget to fund a grants programme. This fund is known as The Commissioner's Safety Fund. The purpose of this fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and
Crime Plan.
There will be £400,000 available for the 2022/23 financial year. For 2021/22 the total fund availabie is £250,000 though some grants have already been issued under the previous scheme therefore the
remaining balance will be available from the launch to 31st March 2022. It should be noted the total
fund available is an indicative guide and is subject to change.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Prevention Fund - Recovery Month

The Police and Crime Commissioners Prevention Fund has been paused. The Police and Crime
Commissioner, Rupert Matthews agreed to consider all outstanding applications prior to this period.

Dear Albert submitted an application during this paused period for activities during National Recovery Month (September). The Police and Crime Commissioner agreed to fund the application based on the fact that delaying a decision to fund (waiting until the new grant process commences) would mean that National Recovery Month would have concluded and the option to fund would have passed. The application was assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 13th September the application was presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed the application together with the officer's present and the PCC agreed to fund the application.

Supporting Document

People Zones Funding Allocation

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £32,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas. The purpose of the funding is to support the achievement and objectives of the People Zones areas: Bell Foundry, New Parks, North West Leicestershire. The funding is available for the 2021/2022 financial year.

Supporting Document

Bell Foundry People Zone Funding Application

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire has allocated £30,000 from the Commissioning budget to fund projects/programmes or initiatives within the three current People Zone areas. The purpose of the funding is to support the achievement and objectives of the People Zones areas.

The PCC has considered the funding application from Charnwood Borough Council for the Bell Foundry People Zone for three projects and initiatives to support the work of the People Zone.

Supporting Document

Lease Renewal - Braunstone Lane, Leicester

The Force currently leases a property on Braunstone Lane, Leicester for the sum of £12,000 per annum from the Hinckley & Rugby Building Society. The one year lease expires in November and as the property will continue to be needed, a further one year lease has been provisionally agreed with the Society. The terms are that the rent will remain the same and also include the option to purchase the freehold of the property at figure to be agreed or acquire a longer lease for 10 years.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 36 Successful Bids

The PCC considered all outstanding bids received for the PCC’s Prevention Fund before pausing the PCC Prevention fund for the foreseeable future to reconsider/redesign the approach taken.

During Round 36, the PCC considered all received bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 2nd July 2021 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officer’s present and the PCC agreed to fund three applications.

Supporting Document

Lived Experience - Female Offending

The National Probation Service (NPS) together with The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) have been working together to take forward a multi–agency and system wide approach to female offending.  As part of this work a multi-agency steering group, chaired by the OPCC (Paul Hindson) and NPS, has been formed which aims to drive a local offer of systemic change for women in the criminal justice system.  Key to the success of this workstream has been the inclusion of the service user and lived experience voice throughout the initial period of implementation. Lived experience was a significant part of the Female Offending Strategy 2018 launch event (which took place on 5th November) and has been identified by those who attended the launch as one of the significant factors in developing and driving this work forward. The Female Offending Strategy 2018 also makes reference to and the importance of lived experience not only within the policy but how it has been used by other lead agencies.

Supporting Document

MUGA courts

The PCC/Deputy PCC has been working with Leicester City Council (LCC), Leicester City in the Community, the Football Foundation and the Cruyff Foundation to develop Multi Use Game Area (MUGA) courts as set out in the PCC Legacy Programme decision record EXE0005-21 dated the 7th March 2021. That set out £100,000 towards this joint endeavour which will be provided to Leicester City Council as both a contribution to capital costs and to support the provision of led activities at the MUGA courts (this does not include maintenance costs which shall be the responsibility of relevant partners). In addition to the £100,000 set out within that decision record of 7th March the PCC also secured an additional £58,000 from the Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha Foundation’s 2020 Gift of a Wish programme on behalf of the partnership. This decision record shows how this £58,000 will be split between partners for the furtherance of this project.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Prevention Fund – Round 35 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21 Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 35, the PCC considered all received bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 1st April 2021 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund five applications.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Prevention Fund – Round 34 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 34, the PCC considered ten bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 4th February the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund two applications.

Supporting Document

Women’s Domestic Abuse out of court disposal pilot

Leicestershire Police in conjunction with New Dawn New Day have run a pilot programme over the last 6 months to deliver an out of court disposal to Women domestic abuse perpetrators.  The pilot offered an education programme to those women who have been issued a community resolution for domestic abuse. The programme has been delivered by New Dawn New Day at their centre in the City.

Supporting Document

Renewal of agreement – Leicestershire Safety Camera Partnership (LSCP)

The current agreement with the LSCP for their occupation of the former Red Room at Force HQ terminates at the end of April this year. As such, it has been provisionally agreed with the Partnership that they will enter into a new three year agreement from the 1st May 2021 at the same rent of £65,000 per annum.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Legacy Programme

The Commissioner has developed a Legacy Programme to take forward some of the most important elements of his period in office. The overall theme of the programme is the prevention of harm with a particular emphasis on empowering communities to take responsibility for establishing harm-free environments.  

The Legacy Programme consists of all initiatives that the PCC has developed over his term of office, which continue beyond the end of his term. The items referred to below are those for which a financial commitment of £525,000 in total has been made from the OPCC reserves.

Supporting Document

Substance Misuse Treatment service

This decision record builds on and updates the information provided in the decision record Substance Misuse Treatment service dated 6th April 2020 and the discussions which took place with the Police and Crime Commissioner on 16th March 2021.

Supporting Document

Domestic and sexual violence and abuse service/s - recommissioning

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Leicestershire currently contributes to a pooled fund with Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, and Rutland County Council to fund a domestic and sexual violence and abuse service across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). Leicester City Council hold the contract with the provider (United Against Violence and Abuse (UAVA)) which is due to end in April 2022.

Supporting Document

The COVID-19 Winter Prevention Fund

The Violence Reduction Network (VRN) has been allocated £52,080 to secure critical frontline services affected by COVID-19.   The COVID-19 Winter Prevention Fund is for the period 5 November 2020 to 31 March 2021 to meet the additional costs already incurred and/or likely to be incurred whilst adapting services during the pandemic, and to cope with demand increases resulting from it, during this time period.

Supporting Document

Renewal of Agreement - Leicestershire Police Federation

The Leicestershire Police Federation currently occupy office accommodation at Hamilton Police Station on the basis of a three year lease from March 2018. This agreement terminates at the end of February and terms have been provisionally agreed for a new lease for a period of one year at the same rent of £8,400 per annum that the Federation is currently paying. There is also a condition allowing them to vacate the property at one month’s notice.

Supporting Document


2020 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.  For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 33, the PCC considered ten bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 11th December the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.

The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund four application with further consideration needed for other two applications.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

During Round 32, the PCC considered three bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 22nd October the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.

Supporting Document

Laptop replacement capital funding

The force has 803 old laptops that must be re-built to remain secure and able to operate on the new 365 platform. To do so will be time consuming, inconvenient for officers, staff and IT and will only be utilised for the remaining period of usage of the laptop (up to 12 months maximum expected use).
IT would like to bring forward the planned and budgeted spend into the 2020/21 financial year and replace the old devices earlier.

Supporting Document

Utilise EMSOU Reserves/underspends to fund the capital asset replacement programme for the Fingerprint Enhancement Lab (FEL)

The FEL was established in April 2015 and used recycled equipment from the 5 forces. This equipment is now either inefficient or no longer supported for service and maintenance.

Supporting Document

The Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC) Legacy Programme

The Commissioner has developed a Legacy Programme to take forward some of the most promising elements of his period in office. The overall theme of the programme is the prevention of harm with a particular emphasis on empowering communities to take responsibility for establishing harm-free environments. 

Supporting Document

New Lease, premises Braunstone Lane, Leicester

The Force currently works from premises at Braunstone Lane, Leicester on the basis of an existing lease. The landlord has requested that we enter into a new lease and terms have been provisionally agreed.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

Having trialled the use of community resolutions for female offenders more generally with New Dawn New Day we are now extending this work as a disposal for female offenders specifically of domestic abuse. Cases where there is ordinarily a disposal of No Further Action (NFA) can then be a rehabilitation option which supports the Positive Action Policy for domestic abuse cases.

Offenders not abiding by Community Resolutions can be utilised as evidence of their not abiding by conditions set out to prevent future offending. This will be identified through the application of a “Subject Of" person flag when they fail to attend the course.

There is an existing referral mechanism for Conditional Cautions which can be utilised as the path for Community Resolution referrals to New Dawn New Day.

Supporting Document

VRN Community Fund - Successful Bids

In July 2020, the Violence Reduction Network as part of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire announced the VRN Community Fund and subsequently made available £65,000 of funding through the grants programme. ‘VRN Community Fund’ was aimed at supporting community-based grass-root organisations/ groups to develop initiatives that support violence reduction or prevention within a local community. The main focus of the Violence Reduction Network Community Fund is youth violence (up to 25 years of age) in public spaces and in particularly serious youth violence including knife crime. The funding opportunity was launched on 28th July 2019 and closed on 25th August 2020.

Supporting Document

COVID-19 Vulnerable Children's Charity Funding

The COVID-19 Vulnerable Children’s Charity Funding is for the period 1 April to 31 December 2020 to meet the additional costs already incurred and/or likely to be incurred whilst adapting services during the pandemic, and to cope with demand increases resulting from it, during this time period.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21 Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 31, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 23rd July the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund two application.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 30, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 19th June the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund three application.

Supporting Document

Domestic and Sexual Violence and abuse service/s

The PCC contributes to a joint fund with Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, and Rutland County Council to fund a domestic and sexual violence and abuse service across LLR. Leicester City Council hold the contract  with the provider (United Against Violence and Abuse (UAVA)) and there is an over- arching partnership agreement and a joint governance board (Joint Commissioning Assurance Board (JCAB)) which sits across and provides the necessary assurance and governance for the parties.  The PCC funds and holds some additional domestic and sexual violence and abuse contracts which sit outside these arrangements; the intention, going forward, is to include these contracted services within the new domestic and sexual violence and abuse model.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications are considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 29, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 21st May 2020 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund three applications.

Supporting Document

Renewal of lease, Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome

A building at Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome has been occupied by the Police since 2005 on the basis of a 3 year lease at £16,000 per annum. Whilst the lease expired in 2008, our occupation continued on the basis of the existing terms, to the present day.

Earlier this year, the landlord, C. Walton Ltd, granted a long term lease to a company called Cox Automotive Ltd who then became our landlord. As such, they required us to enter into a new lease with them from the date they became the owner.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 28, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 4th May 2020 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund one application.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 27, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 19th March 2020 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund one application.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.  For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 26, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 19th February 2020 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund two applications. 

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework, the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh and the 2020-21Commissioning Framework. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications are considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has followed procurement guidance for this award of funding. This funding will be regarded as a prevention fund grant, however, the normal application process has been waived due to the emerging issues relating to COVID-19.

Supporting Document

Additional Police and Crime Commissioners Prevention grant funding

In February 2020 The Police and Crime Commissioner published the Commissioning Framework which set out the commissioning budget for 2020-21. Within the framework the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside £250,000 for his grant programme, the Police and Crime Commissioners Prevention Fund.

With the advent of Covid-19 it became apparent that additional provision was going to be required as a result of the virus to support local communities and on 9th April 2020 the Police and Crime Commissioner together with officers present made the decision to increase the grant budget for 2020-21 from £250,000 to £350,000.

Supporting Document

Domestic Abuse Funding in response to Covid-19

It is well understood that Covid-19 is having a detrimental impact on many services and on service users’ health and well- being. This decision record relates to one such area of high concern, domestic abuse. It is recognised both nationally and internationally the impact social distancing measures are having upon this group of victims.  
To this effect a paper setting out a Domestic Abuse Covid-19 response plan was drafted for consideration by the Police and Crime Commissioner. On 9th April 2020, the Police and Crime Commissioner met with officers present to discuss the detail within the paper. 

Supporting Document

Substance Misuse Treatment Service

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Leicestershire contributes to a pooled fund with Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, and NHS England to fund a substance misuse treatment service across Leicester and Leicestershire. There are separate contracting arrangements in Rutland County. Both Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council hold contracts with the provider (Turning Point) with an over- arching partnership agreement across all parties. The PCC also funds and holds some additional substance misuse contracts which sit outside these arrangements.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire, Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council and NHS England have been working together to recommission a new service. The intention was to include (within in the new service specification) the service elements currently provided through the PCC funded contracts.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Commissioning Framework refresh. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications are considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

A request for emergency Covid-19 relief funding has been received from The Zinthiya Trust. This funding request will be regarded as a Police and Crime Commissioners Prevention fund grant but has been considered outside of the normal grant process due to the emerging issues relating to Covid-19.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 24 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

During Round 24, the PCC considered five bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 19th December 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund three applications

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 23 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) Prevention Fund.  This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

During Round 23, the PCC considered twelve bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 26th November 2019 and 19th December 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund five bid applications.

Supporting Document

Therapeutic Support

The current Domestic and Sexual violence and abuse (DSVA) service is co commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and Rutland County Council and delivered by a consortium (United Against Violence and Abuse (UAVA)) made up of three organisations; Freeva, Living Without Abuse and Women’s Aid Leicester. The contract commenced in January 2016 and is due to end March 2021.

Supporting Document

Commissioning Framework

In 2018, The Police and Crime Commissioner published the Commissioning Framework 2018/19 – 2020/21. This set out the commissioning budget for 2018/19 and indicative budgets for future years 2019-20 and 2020-21.

The Commissioning Framework sets out how the commissioning budget has been aligned across the strategic areas and areas of intended spend. Prior to each new financial year, the Police and Crime Commissioner reviews and approves the budget for the new financial year.

The total expenditure contained within the Commissioning Framework 2020/21 totals £4,385,961 and the detail of the spend is set out in revised appendix A.

 Supporting Document

Euston Street, Freemens Common – Ground rent review

A lease is held between the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Leicester City Council. The lease is in relation to a premises on Euston Street, Freemans Common which is owned by Leicester City Council. The lease is a 75 year ground lease from Leicester City Council which dates back to 1973 and is reviewed every 15 years. 

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh. The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 25, the PCC considered four bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 30th January 2020 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund three applications.

Supporting Document

2019 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

Amenities refurbishment and other office moves

Capital budget of £300k has been allocated within the 2020/21 capital programme to refurbish the office space in the amenities building. The amenities building has traditionally been used as 'swing' space for office moves, allowing teams to temporarily move out of existing office space whilst work is completed. A number of moves are required to enable improved working conditions and improved collaboration for several teams including IT, SSD, Change, Planners and Victim First. 

Supporting Document

Airwave Device Strategy

ESN earliest roll out is estimated to be January 2022. Highly likely to be delayed further. Sepura no longer make handsets currently used by Leicester. 450 devices per year sent for repair per year at a cost of £135 each. £60,750.00. This will soon cease. 

Supporting Document

Release Reserves early to purchase additional Body Worn Video Equipment 

The OPCC holds an equipment reserve which is used to purchase operational equipment including Body Worn Video (BWV), of which £400k is set aside in 2020/21 to fund additional BWV equipment. The IT department has requested that £138k of the £400k reserve which is earmarked for 2020/21, be made available for 2019/20 to fund the BWV equipment necessary for the additional 80 (of 107) Police Officers being recruited this financial year.

Supporting Document

Pro-Active Vulnerability Engagement (PAVE) Team Mental Health Provision-Turning Point 

The Police and Crime Commissioner agreed to fund PAVE in 2018/19-20 (PAVE was previously one of the Strategic Partnership Development Fund (SPDF) work streams).  There are two contracts which cover the PAVE service, a contract with Leicestershire Partnership Trust (LPT) and a ·contract with Turning Point. This decision record relates to the Turning Point contract.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 21 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh.

During Round 21, the PCC considered five bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 12th September 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund two bid applications with one application to receive further consideration.  

Supporting Document

Variation of Contract with Orchid Cellmark Ltd

The 5 East Midlands region Police and Crime Commissioners have taken the decision to vary the contract with Orchid Cellmark Ltd for the next 12-24months in accordance with clause 57 of the contract. The variation shall take place with immediate effect. 

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Early Intervention Youth Fund Successful Bids

In July 2019, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire announced that he had received £347,000 from the Home Office's Early Intervention Youth Fund and decided to make available £100,000 of this funding through his grants programme. 'The Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund - Early Intervention' was aimed at those projects which engage with and support young people who are either offending or on the edge of offending across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

The PCC received 19 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund - Early Intervention documentation and on the 21st October 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 12 of the bid applications for one year only.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 22 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh.

During Round 22, the PCC considered three bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 21st October 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund three bid applications

Supporting Document


Correct Decision Table


Contribution of £5,000 match funding to the WIN conference

There has been a request for a contribution of £5,000 towards the Women Inclusive Network conference which the Police and Crime Commissioner is opening alongside the Chief Constable, taking place on 3rd October 2019. The contribution is to be matched by the Force. 

Supporting Document

New Complaints Legislation - Policing and Crime Act 2017

In 2014 the Government announced a review of the entire police complaints system, including the local role played by Police and Crime Commissioners. As part of this review the Government identified a need to expand the role of PCCs within the complaints process. The outcome of the review was encompassed within the Policing and Crime Act 2017.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 20 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh.

During Round 20, the PCC considered nine bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 9th August 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund six bid applications.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 19 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018·21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh. 

During Round 19, the PCC considered five bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 31st July 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund one bid application.

Supporting Document

Gifting of a police 4x4 vehicle to Leicestershire Search and Rescue

A police 4x4 vehicle has reached the end of its use by the Force and the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) would like to gift this vehicle to Leicestershire Search and Rescue (LSAR) to enable them to continue their good work in supporting the police in locating missing individuals (their existing 4x4 vehicle having become unviable).

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 18 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's} Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh.

During Round 18, the PCC considered nine bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 19th June 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 6 bid applications.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 17 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh.

During Round 17, the PCC received 3 bid applications plus 1 from another round. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 4th April 2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 3 bid applications.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 16 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner launched his grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC's) Prevention Fund. This fund has since been extended through the 2018-21 Commissioning Framework and the 2019/20 Commissioning Framework refresh.

During Round 16, the PCC received 6 bid applications plus 1 from a previous round. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 28.03.2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund the 7 bid applications.  

Supporting Document

Care Leavers' Council Tax Discount Scheme

It is recognised that individuals leaving care are a vulnerable group and may need ongoing support in the Community. The Police and Crime Commissioner has agreed to be part of a Countywide approach that provides support to Care Leavers' by reducing their Council Tax liability to zero. 

Supporting Document

Sale of Hinckley Road Police Station

Following a decision to sell Hinckley Road Police Station as it was surplus to requirements offers for the property was sought.   At the cut off date of 8 October 2018 the highest offer that was received was for £850,000 and from AS Properties. 

Supporting Document

Budget and Precept Confirmation 2019-20

Following agreement with the Chief Constable of the Force Budget allocation requirements the Proposed Precept 2019-20 and Medium Term Financial Plan was considered by the Police and Crime Panel at their meeting on the 1 February 2019.
The report and discussions at the panel also covered the budget, capital programme, treasury management strategy and reserves. 

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC) Prevention Fund - Knife Crime Successful Bids

In November 2018, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire announced that he had made available £100,000 through his grants programme for projects specifically aimed at reducing knife crime. The purpose of the fund was to support the delivery of knife crime projects which intervene early to prevent knife crime occurring across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The funding opportunity was launched on 27th November 2018 and closed on 4th February 2019.

The PCC received 21 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund-Knife crime documentation and on the 08.03.2019 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.

The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 10 of the bid applications for one year only.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Commissioning Framework 2018-2021 - 2019-20 Update

At the end of 2017/18 the Commissioning Framework 2018-2021 was published. This set a firm commissioning budget for 2018/19 and indicative budgets for 2019/20 and 2020/21. The 2019/20 budget now needs finalising and a revised indicative budget for 2020/21 is now available.

Supporting Document

Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworker (ISAC)

The full costs of the ISAC (1 FTE post) is £35,095.83, it is proposed that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire funds £20,000.00 toward the overall cost of the ISAC post for one year.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 15 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside
funding for a two year grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside £250,000 for 2017/18 and £250,000 for 2018/19.

In the Commissioning Framework for 2018/19, the Police and Crime Commissioner has identified a further £250,000.00 for 2019/20.

The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid appiications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is
provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 15, the PCC received 7 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 12.12.18 and 18.01.19 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.

The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 6 of the bid applications plus 1 bid applications from a previous round.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 14 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a two year grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside £250,000 for 2017/18 and £250,000 for 2018/19.

In the Commissioning Framework for 2018/19, the Police and Crime Commissioner has
identified a further £250,000.00 for 2019/20.

The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and old applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 14, the PCC received 3 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 05.12.2018 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 2 of the bid applications plus 3 bids applications from previous rounds.

Supporting Document


2018 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

Additional Funding for Knife Crime Projects

At the Knife Crime event held on 27 November 2018, Lord Willy Bach announced a fund of £100,000 from reserves to organisations that turn around the lives of those who wield weapons.

In addition to the current Prevention Fund the Police and Crime Commissioner has decided to put aside a pot of money to fund a grants programme specifically to tackle knife crime.  The fund will be known as The Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund -Knife Crime.

The purpose of this fund is to support the delivery of knife crime projects which intervene early to prevent knife crime occurring across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Supporting Document

Supporting People Bereaved by Suicide

Individuals bereaved by suicide are themselves at increased risk of suicide, suicide ideation, depression and poor social functioning. The Police and Crime Plan has a commitment to work with partners to reduce the number of suicides across the force area. The PCC is therefore partnering with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council to commission a Supporting People Bereaved by Suicide service which will provide comprehensive support for people bereaved or affected by a death by suicide.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 13 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a two year grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside £250,000 for 2017/18 and £250,000 for 2018/19.

In the Commissioning Framework for 2018/19, the Police and Crime Commissioner has identified a further £250,000.00 for 2019/20.

The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan. The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 13, the PCC received 5 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 27.09.2018 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 4 of the bid applications plus 1 bid application a from previous round.

Supporting Document

The Princes Trust- Achieve/Mosaio- Inspiring Young People through Learning, Mentoring and Community Engagement

The Police and Crime Commissioner received an application from The Princes Trust for funding from the PCC Prevention Fund to fund the Achieve/Mosaic- Inspiring Young People thr:ough Learning, Mentoring and Community Engagement. The Police and Crime Commissioner considered the grant application from The Princes Trust and agreed that he would like to support it. However, the PCC Prevention Fund aims to support grass root community organisations and due to the organisational size of The Princes Trust, the Police and Crime Commissioner felt it was appropriate in this instance to fund the project outside of the PCC Prevention Fund programme.

Supporting Document

Appropriate Adults Procurement

Appropriate Adults are required to attend custody suites in support of vulnerable adult suspects in custody and to ensure that detainee's rights and entitlements are upheld and to facilitate communication. Existing contracts across Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Northamptonshire are coming to an end and agreement has been reached for Leicestershire PCC to lead a procurement exercise to let a framework contract for the delivery of Appropriate Adult services from 1st April 2019 making use of existing budgets. This framework will be available for the use of the above listed three force areas. 

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 12 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a two year grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside £250,000 for 2017/18 and £250,000 for 2018/19.

In the Commissioning Framework for 2018/19, the Police and Crime Commissioner has identified a further £250,000.00 for 2019/20.

The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 12, the PCC received 9 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 05.09.2018 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.
The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 2 of the bid applications and defer a decision regarding 1 of the applications.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 11 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a two year grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside £250,000 for 2017/18 and £250,000 for 2018/19.

In 2018/19 the Police and Crime Commissioner topped up the fund available for 2018/19 to £250,000 and has made £250,000 available for 2019/20.

The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.  For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 11, the PCC received 6 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 05.09.2018 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 1 of the bid applications. Decisions regarding two of the applications are pending the receipt of further information
The PCC approved 1 bid in Round 11 

Supporting Document

Awarding of Lots 1 and 2 of the Victim First procurement process

The PCC has undertaken a re-tendering process for the Victim First and Target Hardening services (Lots 1 and 2 respectively). The procurement process has now been completed and the decision has been taken to:

•    Award Lot 1 (Victim First) to Catch 22 (specification as appendix one)
•    Award Lot 2 (Target Hardening) to 24/7 Locks (specification as appendix 2)

The contracts will both commence on the 1st August 2018 and will run for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend each contract for up to a further 2 years.

Supporting Document

Renewal of Agreement - Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre

Part of the first floor of the City Council owned Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre, Belgrave Road, Leicester has been used as Police beat office since 2013 for which a single premium payment of £10,000 was paid for a five year term. The lease expires in September this year and a further five year period has been provisionally agreed at an annual rent of £2,400 inclusive of all outgoings. The location of the beat office is ideal from an operational policing perspective for that part of the City and, as such, its continued use is necessary.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 9 and 10 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set up a grant programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside £250,000 for 2017/18 and an indicative £250,000 for 2018/19 (an amount which was subsequently confirmed in the 2018-2021 Commissioning Framework which also gave indicative amounts of £250,000 for 2019/20 and £200,000 for 2020/21).

The purpose of the Fund is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan. The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis. For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 9, the PCC received 3 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 28.03.2018 the applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 1 of the bid applications from Round 9. 

During Round 10, the PCC received 6 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 28.03.2018 applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval. The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 2 of the bid applications from Round 10.

 Supporting Document

Budget and Precept Confirmation 2018-19

Following agreement with the Chief Constable of the Force Budget allocation requirements the Proposed Precept 2018-19 and Medium Term Financial Strategy was considered by the Police and Crime Panel at their meeting on the 31 January 2018.
The report and discussions at the panel also covered the budget, capital programme, treasury management strategy and level of reserves.

Supporting Document

Further extension of the existing Victim First and Target Hardening contracts to enable the completion of the re-tendering process

The PCC has commenced a re-tendering process for the Victim First and Target Hardening services (Lots 1 and 2 respectively). Due to unforeseeable operational pressures, the tender assessment process has been delayed. So as to ensure that a thorough and robust assessment is undertaken, congruent with the significant value of these contracts (collectively up to £3.07m), an extension of the existing Victim First and target hardening contracts for 1 month (up until 31st July 2018) is required. This extension is further to the 9 months the contracts have already been extended by.

Supporting Document

The Police and Crime Commissioner's Commissioning Framework 2018-2021

The Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 sets out the five priorities of Viable Partnerships, Visible Policing, Victim Services, Vulnerability Group Protection, and Value for Money as well as the cross cutting and underlying theme of Crime Prevention.
The Commissioning Framework 2018-2021 (appendix 1) aligns the commissioning budget with these priorities with the exception of Visible Policing which is very much a priority that the Chief Constable will deliver. Budgets have been allocated against the priorities of the Police and Crime Plan as set out in appendix 1.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 7 and 8 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.
For any funding bids where a second years funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.

During Round 7, the PCC received 4 bid applications, one additional bid application from a previous round was also considered. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 14.02.2018 all applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.

During Round 8, the PCC received 4 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 14.02.2018 all applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.
The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 3 of the bid applications from Round 8.

Supporting Document

The Market Harborough Police Station - lease to EMAS

Discussions have been held with East Midlands Ambulance Service about the possibility of them using part of Harborough PS as an ambulance station. They wish to have use of parts of the storage area and gymnasium, together with shared use of locker rooms, canteen, interview room and car park for which they would have a 25 year all-inclusive lease with 5 yearly reviews at an initial annual rent of £29,000.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 6 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.
For any funding bids where a second yeara funding is approved, the second year funding is provided in principle subject to effective delivery and performance in year one.
During Round 6, the PCC received 18 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 13.12.2017 all applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.
The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 7 of the bid applications from Round 6 plus 1 other from a previous round making a total of 8 altogether.

 Supporting Document 


2017 Decisions
Summary of Decision
Supporting Document

Match funding to Leicester City Football Club Community Trust for the Premier League Kicks programme

Leicester City Football Club Community Trust (LCFCCT) receive funding from the Premier League for the provision of local a "Kicks" programme which uses the power of football and sport to inspire young people in some of the most high-need areas in Leicester and Leicestershire. A portion (£30,000) of this is dependent upon receiving match funding from other local stakeholders.


Supporting Document

Sale of land at Hinckley Road Police Station to Western Power for an electricity substation

As part of the proposal to replace the current Hinckley Road Police Station, which is to be sold in the new year, with a smaller station in the rear yard of the existing station, it is necessary to provide a new substation for the electrical power supply.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Prevention Fund - Round 5 Successful Bid

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

During Round 5, the PCC received 4 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 31.10.17 all applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and final approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 3 of the bid applications. 

Supporting Document

Award of Contract for Apprenticeship Managed Service Provision to Aspire Achieve Advance Limited (3aaa's)

The Government has introduced the Apprenticeship Levy for employers with a pay bill of over £3 million per year. The Levy is 0.5% of the annual pay bill and the funds are held for employees to draw upon to cover the cost of apprenticeship training.

East Midlands Human Resources Learning & Development (EMCHRS L&D) provide training for the member Forces (Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire), it was agreed that an East Midlands Regional framework was required for each Force to call off from for the provision of apprenticeship training.  As Lincolnshire Police have retained approximately 300 staff who did not TUPE to G4S, they asked to be included.

Supporting Document

Change to Corporate Governance Framework - Signing of Contracts

Following advice from legal services, it was highlighted that the Corporate Governance Framework does not consent to the Chief Constable holding contracts in his name but Force staff are delegated to sign contracts up to the EU threshold.

It is recommended that the Corporate Governance Framework is amended at the next review for the PCC to consent to the Chief Constable holding contracts in his own name and Force staff delegated to sign in accordance with existing limits. Until the framework is reviewed, this decision record wiii confirm the change in practice.

Supporting Document

Deputy Chief Finance Officer (CFO) and S151 Responsibilities

To ensure the capacity and the resilience of the financial advice to the Commissioner during recruitment to the OPCC structure for a Resources Manager and Finance Director, the PCC wishes to appoint the Force Assistant Chief Officer (Finance and Resources) as Deputy CFO and S151 Officer during this time.

Supporting Document

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Office Structure

As reported to the Police and Crime Panei in December 2016, the PCC has been reviewing his office structure to ensure the necessary skills and capabilities are in place to effectively deliver his Police and Crime Plan for the period April 2017 to March 2021.

The proposed structure is based on 18.54 budgeted posts and a Policing advisor post seconded from the Force. It includes provision for a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, a Policy Advisor, additional Communications and Engagement and administrative support to reflect the increased visibility of the Commissioner

Supporting Document

Claims for Financial Assistance

Home Office Circular 43/2001, details the role of Police Authorities in respect of financial assistance to police officers involved in certain legal proceedings, including Coroner's Inquests.  The Circular outlines the Home Secretary's approval of guidance to police authorities on financial assistance to officers in legal proceedings in the light of the Divisional Court judgment of R v South Yorkshire Police Authority (1999). This judgement confirmed that Police Authorities have power to meet the defence costs of Police Officers in civil and criminal proceedings, including judicial review proceedings and any other type of legal proceedings.

Although this circular is under review, its guidance applies to Police and Crime Commissioners since their appointment in line with the legislation.

Supporting Document

Police Property Store

This decision record updates Decision Record EXE0022/17 following the Strategic Assurance Board discussion and agreement on the 12/10/2017 to maximise all available resources in the BER for frontline policing and borrow the full Capital cost of the Property Store.

Supporting Document

Permanent Budget Transfer to the Force from the Commissioning Budget

At the Strategic Assurance Board on the 12/10/17, The PCC stated his intention to permanently transfer annual commissioning contributions to the Force of £412,988. This would provide the force with additional flexibility to utilise towards frontline services.

Supporting Document

Reduction of Funding Set Aside in the Budget Equalisation Reserve (BER) of £0.250m

In his budget and precept determination for 2017/18 (Decision Record EXE0003/17, paragraph 13 of the Budget and Precept Report), the PCC ring fenced the sum of £0.5m from the Budget Equalisation Reserve (BER) in the year to help shape and support the work on an integrated response to demand as it developed.

The PCC intended this funding to work with partners to develop thinking towards a multi-agency call handling and resolution facility. It was intended that this facility will be built around the 101 service enabling the public to
seek help and support across a wider range of public service functions.

At the Strategic Assurance Board meeting on the 12/10/17, the PCC advised that it was unlikely that the full £0.5m could be spent during his term. He was therefore, revising the amount set aside to £0.250m and the profile of this spending would change to later years.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund - Round 4 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.

The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

During Round 4, the PCC received 10 bid applications. All applications were assessed in line with the Prevention Fund Grant criteria and on the 16.10.2017 all applications were presented to the PCC for consideration and approval.  The PCC reviewed these applications together with the officers present and the PCC agreed to fund 2 of the bid applications.

Supporting Document

Substance Misuse Recover Hub

The Anchor Centre is being recommissioned as a Recovery Hub for street drinkers at the new city centre location which has recently been approved in Hill Street.  Leicester City Council are paying for the majority of the costs and we are continuing to partner with them in funding this service.

Supporting Document

Award of Contract for Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS)

The Emergency Services Network (ESN) is a Home Office mandated programme for the replacement of Airwave with the next generation integrated critical voice and broadband data services for the 3 emergency services.

Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS) systems are an essential component to the smooth running of Police Control Rooms, freeing Contact Management staff from the complexity of managing communications so that they concentrate on responding to the public. ICCS systems will have to be updated to allow Control Room colleagues to communicate on both Airwave and ESN.

Supporting Document

Victim First and Associated Contracts - contract extension to 30 June 2018

The Victim First service was tendered as a 26 month contract and awarded to Catch 22 ending on 30th September 2017.
In May 2017, the contract was extended by 6 months up until 31st March 2018 (Decision Record EXE0013/17 refers) to enable the PCC to consider whether to deliver the service in-house or to procure from an external organisation.

Supporting Document

The use of BER to support policing numbers in 2018/19

At the Strategic Assurance Board (SAB) on the 20 July 2017, there was discussion regarding the forecast shortfall and the potential implication on police officer recruitment.   In advance of the Police Finance Settlement in December 2017 and full implications of Police Officer and Staff Pay Settlements, sufficient savings to meet the funding the shortfall for 2018/19 have not been identified

Supporting Document

Job Evaluation Scheme - Treatment of 2017/18 Budget Variances

The Job Evaluation Scheme project was due to conclude in 2017/18 and the base budget provides for growth in the overall staff pay bill of £1.04m. This was calculated on the basis that the scheme would be implemented in July 2018.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund - Round 3 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

Supporting Document

Police Property Act - Transfer of balance for use on PCC Prevention Fund Grants

The Police (Property) Act 1897, as amended by the Police (Property) Act 1997 allows regulations to be made in relation to the disposal of property that has come into Police possession. This is where it is in connection with their investigations, where the property is unclaimed, perishable, or where it is too expensive or inconvenient to keep.

Supporting Document

Police Property Store

Over the past few years, the Force has undertaken significant work to review and scope the storage requirements of seized evidential property, found property and archive records to ensure they are resilient and futureproof.  Regular updates have been provided by the Project Team to both the JARAP and the Force Change board, at both meetings the PCC is represented.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund - Round 2 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.
The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

Supporting Document

Claim for Financial Contribution

Until 1994, arrangements for insurance for Leicestershire Police were made by Leicestershire County Council (LCC). The insurance was placed with Municipal Mutual Insurance Company until 1992.  By an agreement dated 22 December 1995 and made pursuant to the Police and Magistrates Courts Act, the liabilities of the LCC in this regard passed to the then Police Authority.  In 1992, Municipal Mutual Insurance encountered financial difficulties and entered into a Scheme of Arrangement with its creditors, with provision for a levy on all former policyholders to assist in meeting the financial obligations of MMI.

Supporting Document

Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund - Round 1 Successful Bids

In his Commissioning Framework for 2017/18, the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside funding for a grants programme, named the Police and Crime Commissioner's Prevention Fund. The fund set aside is up to £250,000 for the year and the purpose is to support the achievement of the objectives within the Police and Crime Plan.  The Prevention Fund is a rolling grants programme throughout the year and bid applications will be considered by the PCC on a monthly basis.

Supporting Document

PCC's intention with regard to the Governance of the Fire and Rescue Service

The Policing and Crime Act 2017 makes provision for the PCC to take up a role in the governance of Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service.  There are 3 levels of involvement that the PCC could take.

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Early termination of lease at covert building

Following a detailed discussion at the Strategic Assurance Board on the 28/6/16, the PCC approved the Force proposal to progress early termination of the lease of a covert building.

Supporting Document

Provision of housing for victims of modern slavery

Victims of Modern Slavery who come to the attention of the police are short term safeguarded and assessed for acceptance into the National Referral Mechanism (NRM). There is a short period until NRM safe housing can be arranged and this sometimes results in hotel accommodation being used.

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Victim First Contract Extension

The Victim First contract was set up with a 26 month contract awarded to Catch 22.  The contract current end date is 30th September 2017.

The PCC has started the process of considering and designing the replacement provision prior to either implementing this in-house or procuring this from an external organisation.  The timescales are now such that, if a decision was taken to go out to procurement, the OPCC would require a minimum of 9 months to action and implement the service.

Supporting Document

Deed of Variation of Contract for Leadership Management Training

A tender was issued for the training of three modules of the College of Policing Leadership and development training package (the other modules are being delivered in house).

Since awarding the contract, a few variations to the terms and conditions were proposed due to the fact there will be interaction with employees during the duration of the training.

Supporting Document

Award of Contract Selected Medical Practioner Services

Retender of an existing service.

In accordance with the Police Pensions and Police injury Benefit Regulations there is a requirement for each Police Pensions Authority to have access to Selected Medical Practitioner Services.

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Award of contract for Child Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (CHISVA)

this contract replaces the current contact with FreeVa (Free from Violence and Abuse) for the provision of a CHIVSA (Child Independent Sexual Violence Advocate) and part time support worker. The current contract expires on 31 June 2017 with an option to extend.

Supporting Document

Award of Contract for Non Police Vehicle Dispsal to RAW2K Ltd

On behalf of Four Regional Forces (Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Northamptonshire Police). Leicestershire Police as lead force undertook a tender process which was issued and advertised on contract finder and EU Supply to set up a framework for "Non Police Vehicle Disposal" which included scrapping, recycling or sale by public auction of seized, collision damaged and crime related vehicles.

Supporting Document

Approval to Issue a Voluntary Ex Ante Transparency Notice (VEAT)

A number of years ago, Leicestershire Police led a software procurement for Investigatory Powers for 21 police forces in England and Wales. Recent !egislation requires all Law Enforcement Agencies to comply with the Investigatory Powers Act by Quarter 1 2018. 

Supporting Document

Award of Contract for Language Services - Face to Face Interpreters

On behalf of the 8 Forces (Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and West Mercia), Leicestershire Police undertook a competition for Language Services for the provision of face to face interpreters under the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1092, Lots 5f and 5g. 

Supporting Document

Medical Services in Custody and Sexual Offence Examinations

Tenders were sought for a new two year contract for Medical Services in Custody from 1/4/17 to 31/3/19 with an option to extend for a further 24 months to 31/3/21. 

Supporting Document

City Safeguarding Boards additional funding 2016/17

The City Council increased their funding requirements for their safeguarding boards during 16/17

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The Police and Crime Commissioner's Commissioning Framework 2017/18

Approve the funding allocations and distributions set out in Appendix 1 (see supporting document)

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Budget and Precept Confirmation 2017/18

To confirm the Budget and Precept for 2017/2018

Supporting Document

Staffing Matter

On the 18/1/17, The Police and Crime Commissioner considered information available to him and made a decision in relation to a staffing matter. 

Supporting Document

Agreement to Opt in to the National Scheme for Auditor Appointments

Current external audit arrangements for Leicestershire and other Public Sector bodies were secured by the Audit Commission and expire at the end of 2017/18.  The external auditors for public sector bodies for 2018/19 onwards have to be appointed before the end of 2017.

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2016 Decisions


Summary of Decision
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Award of contract for external Forensic Service Provision to the East Midlands Region Police Forces

The purpose of this decision to recommend approval for entering into a regional contract for External Forensic Service Provision to the East Midlands Region (EMR) of police forces represented by EMSOU Forensic Services (EMSOU-FS).

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Body Worn Video Investments

That the PCC approves the Force request for purchase of replacement and additional Body Worn Video equipment of £328,075 based on the operational case and requirements presented by the Force.

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PCC Support to the Project for Conditional Cautioning and Relationship Abuse (CARA)

The OPCC have been working in partnership with the force, the city, county and Rutland councils and the University of Leicester in mapping service provision, identifying gaps and agreeing the desired provision for perpetrators of Domestic Violence.

A unique supplier, the Hampton Trust, has been identified which brings an opportunity to undertake a pilot for a mandatory out of court disposal for perpetrators of a domestic violence related offence -Conditional Cautioning And Relationship Abuse (known as project CARA).

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Decision to approve additional funding to invest in prevention and detection of hate crime

Following the EU Referendum, the Police and Crime Commissioner has highlighted concerns regarding the increase in hate incidents and hate crimes reported across the UK.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has sought and received regular updates from the Force in terms of hate crimes and incidences and the measures taken to increase the awareness, reporting and investigation of these hidden crimes. Additionally, the Police and Crime Commissioner has provided regular updates to the Police and Crime Panel since June 2016.

The Police and Crime Commissioner met with the Force Hate crime officer on a number of occasions to discuss how these additional needs could be met and this Decision Record outlines his intention to provide additional investment in this area.

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Funding from Reserves for resourcing of the Change Team in 2017/18

Current change team resources have reduced through a number of leavers from the team to seek alternative employment. These vacancies have not been recruited to whilst decisions were made as to the scope of the tri-force collaboration. Now agreement has been reached to progress the tri-force collaboration within agreed boundaries there is a requirement for Leicestershire Police to actively seek to deliver local change to meet demand and budgetary challenges over the next two years as the tri force activity is unlikely to see any significant changes or savings in this time.

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Building works following flood of Admin 2

A flood in the Administration 2 building at FHQ on the 17th of October caused considerable damage to the building and contents and is subject to an insurance claim.

Administration 2 has not been refurbished from its construction in the 1980s and was not only looking very tired, but is based on a cellular office design which is very inefficient for modern policing. Additionally, an open plan lay out would also allow the Force to accommodate more staff in the same footprint.

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Deputy Chief Executive Responsibilities

During a review of the OPCC Office Structure, it became apparent that resilience is built in to the existing office structure to cover the statutory roles of Monitoring Officer (MO) and Chief Finance Officer (CFO). The roles of Deputy MO and CFO are contained within the job descriptions for nominated roles, however, there is not a nominated Deputy in respect of the Chief Executive function.

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Financial Support to Eforensic dept

The requirement for Eforensic services has increased year on year as the prevalence of digital media devices in society presents investigators with opportunities to seek and secure information and evidence. This is compounded by the bigger capacity of devices to store information and their increased complexity. Offences that are committed by utilising the internet are increasing, particularly the sharing of indecent images of children, which represents the majority of the workload of Eforensics.

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Appointment of Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

The Commissioner has decided to appoint Cllr Kirk Master to Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. Cllr Master has declared that to his belief he is eligible for this appointment and that he is not subject to a relevant disqualification.

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Budget and Precept 2016/17

Following confirmation by local authorities ('billing authorities') of their council tax base and collection fund surplus/deficit figures, the decision requested is to:

a.     Re-confirm the Band D Precept (unchanged)
b.    Re-confirm the budget and precept proposals (unchanged)

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To approve the Proof of Concept for taking forward the Strategic Alliance of the Three Forces

At the meeting of the Strategic Alliance Programme Board, held on Thursday 17m December 2015 at Leicestershire Police Force Headquarters, the Design Authority (DA) presented to the six sponsors (PCCs and CCs of Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire) a Proof of Concept Proposal for taking forward a Strategic Alliance of the three forces.

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Proposed sale of Coalville Police Station and shared accomodation with Leicestershire & Rutland Fire Service

As part of the original Estates Strategy (which covers 2010-2030), it was decided that Coalville Police Station should be replaced. The existing building is considerably oversized for modern policing, in very poor condition and is costing over £100K pa to run.

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Sale of Welford Road Police Station

In line with the Force Estates Strategy (which covers 2010-2030} and savings plan, and taking into consideration the operational requirements including the changes from the Edison operational policing delivery model, the Force Executive Group has recommended that the property is no longer operationally required.

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Substance Misuse Commissioning

The OPCC's commissioning arrangements for substance misuse treatment provision are coming to an end across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). As such, the OPCC has entered into commissioning arrangements with Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and NHS England (North) for the procuring of a single Substance Misuse Treatment Service (SMTS) to commence on the 151 July 2016. 

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2015 Decisions


Summary of Decision
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EXE 0001/15

Budget and Precept 2015/16

The PCC has a duty to set the precept for policing each financial year. Accompanying report sets out the financial challenge the results of the public consultation

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EXE 0002/15

Transfer of Funding

The transfer to support the direction and services provided by the new Victim First arrangements and to enable the commissioning capacity in this area to be increased which will make a difference to the most vulnerable in society

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EXE 0003/15

Custody Detention Officer Proposal

Approval to outsource the functions of Civilian Detention Officers of both Leicestershire and Northamptonshire

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EXE 0004/15

Ex-gratia payment  

An opportunity has been identified to jointly commission a mental health training pilot scheme for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Not for publication - Personal information

EXE 0005/15

Mental Health First Aid Training

Through the training priority of the Mental Health Partnership Sub Group an opportunity has been identified to jointly commission a mental health pilot scheme for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR)

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EXE 0008/15 

Complaint Against the Chief Constable 

Supporting Information 

EXE 0009/15

Police and Crime Commissioning Framework 2015-17 refresh for 2016-17

The Police and Crime Plan outlines four  key themes and a number of strategic priorities which provides a clear direction for allocating the available budget to maximum effect. The Commissioning Framework 2015-17 sets out our spending intentions for 2015-16 and expected figures for 2016/17 against that plan. A refresh for 2016/17 has been produced to both confirm/alter expected figures and set out further investments in response to strategic developments.

Supporting Document


2014 Decisions


Summary of Decision                                                                                                      

EXE 0016/14

Decision to proceed with purchase of discreet building

On the basis of further work it is proposed that the purchase go ahead as planned

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EXE 0015/14

Sale of land at Melton Mowbray - part of former Melton Mowbray Police Station

When the former police station was sold part of the site was retained for access purposes to land and buildings owned by the County Council.  The Council has now declared that such land and buildings are surplus to their requirements.

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EXE 0014/14

Sale of Syston Police Station

In line with the Estates Strategy and the implementation of the force's change programme "Project Edison", the force has recommended that Syston Police Station, within the Charnwood District, should be earmarked for sale.

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EXE 0013/14

Purchase of Discreeet Building to support Regional and National Collaboration

Approval to purchase additional discreet building

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EXE 0012/14

Replacement Finance System

Approval of a new finance system

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EXE 0011/14

PCC Grant 2015/16

To approve the funding allocations and distributions for the PCC Grant as set out

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EXE 0010/14

Future Arrangements for Police Staff Pay and T&C

PCC Approval for the development of a full business case for future arrangements

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EXE 0009/14

Job Evaluation Scheme

PCC Support to progress implementation of a new Job Evaluation Scheme

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EXE 0008/14

Commissioning Framework 2014/17

Approval of the revised Commissioning Framework 2014/17

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EXE 0007/14

Budget and Precept

Following the confirmation by local authorities of their council tax base and council tax surplus decision to amend the budget and precept proposals submitted to the Police and Crime Panel on 27 January 2014 to reflect the final information

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EXE 0006/14

Voluntary Redundancy Scheme

Approval of the decision regarding voluntary redundancies

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EXE 0005/14

Partnership Locality Fund 2014/15

To approve the funding allocations set out

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EXE 0004/14

PCC Grant 2014/15

To approve the funding allocations and distributions for the PCC Grant as set out

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EXE 0003/14

Scheme of Corporate Governance

Approval of Scheme which has been updated to relect changes from the Stage 2 Transfer

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EXE 0002/14

Volunteers Project Team Funding

Support from PCC to formulise the funding for the project team 2014/2015 to 2016/2017 to deliver the volunteers strategy

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EXE 0001/14

Proposed leasing arrangements for a property within the Force policing area

Approval of the terms of the leasing agreement for the property

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2013 Decisions

Summary of Decision               
Supporting Document

EXE 0027/13

Community Resolution and Warning Zone

The PCC approves the BCU being allocated £100k to fund initiatives which will assist the PCP in achieving the Police and Crime Plan objectives

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EXE 0026/13

New Parks and Belgrave Police Stations

PCC approval for the sale of New Parks Police Station to Leicester City Council (187,500) and the use of an office in the Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre for a period of 5 years for a capital sum of £10,000

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EXE 0025/13 

PCC Partner Funding

PCC approves the allocation of £2.9m Community Safety Fund via Commissioning Intentions including the use of the Budget Equalisation Reserve to support those Intentions and the Police and Crime Plan

Supporting Document  

EXE 0024/13

Restructure of RPU and TSG - Estates

The PCC approves the business case to merge the Roads Policing Unit and the Tactical Support Group.  The building works (£320k) be funded through the Budget Equalisation Reserve

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EXE 0023/13

Anti-Social Behaviour - Sentinal Project Manager

The PCC approves up to £10,000 from the Community Safety Fund towards the cost of the Sentinel Project Manager psot for 2013/14, with partners providing the remainder of the funding

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EXE  0022/13

Extension of Internal Audit Contract to 31 March 2015

The PCC approves the extension of the internal audit contract to RSM Tenon until 31 March 2015

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EXE 0021/13

Voluntary Redundancy Scheme

The PCC approves that a voluntary redundancy scheme be offered to staff on the same conditions as the compulsory redundancy terms with no added incentives

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EXE 0020/13

Consolidation of Reserves

The PCC approved that reserves be consolidated and £747,000 be moved to the General Fund and £1.733m to the budget Equalisation Reserve

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EXE 0019/13

Hinckley Police Station

The PCC approves the sale of Hinckley Police Station on the terms outlined in the report

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EXE 0018/13

New Parks and Belgrave Police Stations

PCC's agreement of the terms for the sale of New Parks and Belgrave Police Stations

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EXE 0017/13

Recovery of Legal Defence Costs

PCC approval for the reimbursement of legal costs incurred in the support of two officers against whom legal action was taken

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EXE 0016/13

Corporate governance Framework

Approval of the governance of both OPCC and OCC and the relationship between the two.  Revised version from that amended on 6 December 2012

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EXE 0015/13

Whisteblowing Procedure

PCC approves the policy that allows personnel, who have serious concerns about any aspect of their work, to be able to come forward and voice their concerns

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EXE 0014/13

Supporting Victims of ASB/Hate Incidents

The PCC approves the BCU to fund the supporting victims of ASB/Hate Crime incidents through the £100k allocated to the Bill for 2013/14

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EXE 0013/13

Budget for the replacement of Loughborough Police Station

The PCC approves to increase the budget from £3.6m to £4m for the rebuilding of Loughborough Police Station

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EXE 0012/13

E-Commerce - South West Consortium

The PCC approves the joining of the South West E-Commerce Consortium of 23 forces and agreement to implement the first e-commerce module of firearms licensing

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EXE 0011/13

Regional Collaboration - Fraud and Financial Investigations

The PCC approves the creation of a Fraud and Financial Investigation Unit

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EXE 0010/13

Amendments to 2013/14 Budget and Precept

To enact the approved adjustments to the 2013/14 budget and precept proposals.  To set aside £97.7k for council tax support transition grant to the Budget Equalisation Reserve

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EXE 0009/13

Delegation to Chief Executive

The PCC approves delegations to the CEO in order that the OPCC can continue to operate in the absence of the PCC

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2012 Decisions

Summary of Decision                                                                                        
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EXE 0008/12

East Midlands Police Collaboration - Finances

Approval of investment business cases, revenue budget proposals for the 2013/14 financial year and budget requirements for later years, along with capital spending and financing plans to be reviewed, re-presented to the Board in due course

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EXE 0007/12

Sale of Property

The PCC approved the offer made on a property to be sold that was surplus to requirements

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EXE 0006/12

Provision of Legal Services

The PCC has decided that this will be provided by East Midlands Legal Support Unit

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Consultation and Engagement

The PCC has decided that this will be undertaken by the Force's Corporate Services Department, with commissioning, governance and performance being directed by PCC

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Scrutiny and Monitoring of Complaints

The PCC has chosen to receive a quarterly monitoring report from the Chief Constable.  The PCC will himself undertake dip sampling of complaints

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Provision of Independent Custody Visiting Scheme

The PCC has chosen to retain the management of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme within his office

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The PCC has chosen to operate a separate website to that of the Chief Constable.  The address will be

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Promotion and Branding

The PCC was provided with a number of options for promotion and branding and has chosen to operate separately as 'Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland'

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