Ethics panel to consider results of workforce diversity drive

Police watchdogs are set to review Leicestershire Police’s recent campaign work to increase diversity within the workforce through a series of new recruitment processes.

Members of Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach’s Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee will meet on Friday Sep 21 to consider the outcome of the force’s recent recruitment workshops, engagement work and awareness campaigning to boost numbers of BME applicants as well as disabled, female and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LBGT) candidates.

The force’s Diversity and Inclusion Unit now has two dedicated officers whose role is to improve the diversity of applicants across all roles within the organisation.

In 2017, police officer recruitment was opened for the first time in several years and the force has since launched three separate employment campaigns. It is also working on the introduction of a new police officer apprenticeship scheme in association with De Montfort University which is set to open for applications in November this year.

Members of the ethics committee will discuss the outreach activity taking place to encourage a greater number of applicants from a minority background as well as the impact and effectiveness of other engagement work including a new mentorship scheme for prospective officers.

Also on the agenda for the meeting will be a series of ethical scenarios requiring discussion including Home Office counting regulations which require police to record minor scuffles between schoolchildren under the age of criminal responsibility as assaults thereby classifying the child perpetrator as a suspect.

The Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee was set up to provide greater accountability to the public of policing processes including the complaints system and hold the Force to account for its decisions.

Meetings are held in public and residents are able to attend and observe proceedings. Minutes are also available on the PCC’s website at:

The meeting will take place at 2pm on Friday 21 September in the Olympic Room at Force HQ in Enderby.

Please note that due to the capacity of the room and for health and safety requirements all potential attendees are requested to notify



Media Enquiries:  Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401



Posted on Tuesday 18th September 2018
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