Police ethics committee to consider Stop and Search

Police use of Stop and Search in 2018-19 across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland will be considered by members of an independent committee later this week.

Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach’s Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee will meet on Friday 21 June 2019 at Police HQ.  

Stop and search remains an important and effective tool in safeguarding communities and bringing offenders to justice.   During 2018/19 the force placed a significant focus on increasing the use of appropriate and proportionate stop searches and as a result the monthly average is now around 300–350 stop searches.

Members will consider a report which covers the number of stop searches, proportionality, positive outcomes, the use of body worn video and the Best Use of Stop and Search Scheme.

The committee will also consider a number of ethical dilemmas, including calls for service to help with an elderly man suffering from Alzheimer’s and a patient in mental health crisis.

The Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee was set up to provide greater accountability to the public of policing processes including the complaints system and hold the Force to account for its decisions.

Meetings are held in public and residents are able to attend and observe proceedings. Minutes are also available on the PCC’s website at:


The meeting will take place at 2.00pm in the Main Conference Room at Force HQ in Enderby.

Please note that due to the capacity of the room and for health and safety requirements all potential attendees are requested to notify Nimisha.Padhiar@leics.pcc.pnn.gov.uk



Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401



Posted on Wednesday 19th June 2019
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