Police watchdogs to examine 'People Zone' progress

An independent panel set up to monitor police standards will consider the impact of ‘People Zones’ to community safety at its next meeting.

Members of Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach’s Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee will meet on Friday 13th Dec where they will discuss a new report reviewing the work of Leicestershire’s People Zones since their launch last year.

People Zones were set up to utilise the experience and expertise of local residents and a whole host of public, private and third sector organisations to resolve problems which impact on community life such as poor health, crime, unemployment and a lack of training and opportunities.

Leicestershire currently has three People Zones in operation in Coalville, New Parks and Bell Foundry and discussions will focus on the work they have achieved since forming.

Also during the meeting, committee members will receive a presentation on cybercrime and fraud and will be asked to discuss a range of ethical scenarios facing the Force as well as the outcome of dip sample of complaints.   

The Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee was set up to provide greater accountability to the public and assurance to the Police and Crime Commissioner of policing processes including the complaints system and advising on the ethical and integrity issues that the Force face every day.

Meetings are held in public and residents are able to attend and observe proceedings. Minutes are also available on the PCC’s website at: http://www.leics.pcc.police.uk/Transparency/Meetings/Ethics-Integrity-and-Complaints-Meetings/Agenda-and-Papers-Ethics-Committee.aspx

The meeting will take place at 10am on Friday 13 December in the Main Conference Room at Force HQ in Enderby.

Please note that due to the capacity of the room and for health and safety requirements all potential attendees are requested to notify Teresa Wilcox, Business Staff Officer, on 0116 229 8980.



Media Enquiries:   Sallie Blair - 01283 821012 / 07702 541401



Posted on Wednesday 11th December 2019
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