New member sought for police scrutiny watchdog

Rupert Matthews News Force Crest Thumbnail
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews has announced plans to appoint a new member to his independent police scrutiny panel.

The Joint Audit, Risk and Assurance Panel (JARAP) provides independent oversight of Leicestershire Police and the PCC’s performance, risk management controls, and financial/governance arrangements.

Panel members are independent and help to build and maintain trust in the Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The Commissioner is looking for community-focussed residents who have knowledge or interest in local issues and previous experience in a local community leadership role.

Applicants must be passionate about wanting to make a difference for local people and use their enquiring and inquisitive nature to challenge and ask questions that help drive positive change and protect the integrity of both organisations.

Mr Matthews said: “I am determined to give local people the policing services they deserve by maximising every penny of our funding. To help me do this, I need confident and determined members of the public who want to achieve the best out of their local police force and ensure we always offer value for money.

“This is a role for people who care about their community and have the drive and ambition to make it safer.”

Meetings are held up to six times a year and members must be aged over 18, live or work in the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area and be able to attend meetings at Leicestershire Police Headquarters during the working day.

The successful applicant will receive training, be paid an annual allowance and are able to claim reasonable expenses.

The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 31st January 2022.

Interviews will be held on week beginning 7th February 2022.

For more information, please contact Kira Hughes Interim Chief Finance Officer in the first instance on 0116 2222222 ex 3307200 or direct any questions to or click on the link below.

 Joint Audit, Risk and Assurance Panel Member - Shared HR Service Centre (


Media enquiries:  Sallie Blair 01283 821012

Posted on Monday 17th January 2022
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