PCC recognised nationally for innovative work

Sir Clive Loader’s work on cutting crime and reducing reoffending among young adults has been highlighted in a national report.

A new briefing from the Revolving Doors Agency and the Transition to Adulthood Alliance (T2A) has found that a number of police and crime commissioners are carrying out ground-breaking work in an aim to cut crime and reduce reoffending among young adults (18-24). The briefing is the first in a series of ‘PCC spotlights’ designed to highlight promising practice among PCCs which could be replicated in other areas.  

Sir Clive’s work was highlighted in the report, namely the launch of the multi-agency Young Adult’s Project (YAP!) that was set up with key partners from across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The aim of the project is to share understanding about essential components, such as maturity and transitions, that need addressing when planning or developing services to reduce offending and re-offending amongst this age group. 

Sir Clive Loader, Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “It is vitally important that we better understand young adults and take into account their developing maturity and specific needs. The process of becoming an adult can be fraught with difficulties and is a risky time, particularly for those young adults already involved in the criminal justice system due to their backgrounds. Partners and I are working together to achieve better outcomes amongst this age group and, as a result, see a dramatic change in those offending and re-offending. 

Young adults (18-24) are disproportionately likely to come into contact with the police, both as victims and offenders. They represent 10% of the population, but make up around a third of the probation caseload, a third of those sentenced to a community sentence each year, and almost a third of those sent to prison. 

Many of these young offenders have multiple and complex needs, but currently fall through gaps between youth and adult support services and face a social and criminal justice system that rarely takes account of their varying levels of maturity. High reoffending rates among young adult offenders show there is a need for improvement – three quarters of young adults released from prison reoffend within two years.  

The briefing highlights promising practice which other areas might want to consider in developing more effective approaches to young adult crime, including bringing a range of partners together to tackle this issue. 

The full report can be viewed here: http://www.revolving-doors.org.uk/documents/pcc-spotlight-young-adults/ 

Posted on Monday 9th May 2016
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